Example sentences of "[verb] back [prep] the [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is Sonnet 94 , ‘ which at no point addresses the Friend directly , stands back from the group much as a contemplative soliloquy does from the dialogue of a play ’ .
2 You would n't catch me walking back to the house alone at night .
3 so I was n't quite sure of the answer that you gave back with me walking back from the camera so I just wanted to qualify that so that , I mean all that I noticed was that there was nothing that , that , no information that you tried to get out of him .
4 Walking back alongside the canal again was familiar and reassuring .
5 A high-pass filter was used to isolate the local ( high-frequency ) variation which was then added back to the image so that the local component was effectively doubled , thus amplifying or exaggerating its importance .
6 The trouble was that Deborah had never come back through the wood before , only the one way — to Pack Meetings .
7 Well they have n't come back from the shop yet .
8 ‘ Displacement activity , ’ she said and headed back to the mantelpiece where she swapped a silver-framed photograph for a white porcelain horse .
9 This perfidious inner reaction drove her into ferocious silence as they headed back down the coast again , berating her stupidity as she watched the lush green hills glide by .
10 Millie moved back to the window now .
11 After a moment or two Hosanna moved back to the step again .
12 So Moely turned , and swam back to the shore as quickly as he could .
13 Every St Kildan family owned a number of cleits and they were scattered all over the island , many of them convenient to the bird cliffs because ‘ fresh ’ birds were much heavier than those that had dried out , and everything had to be carried back to the village eventually .
14 Well they can be tipped back in the tin then ca n't they ?
15 We head back to the apartment only when the day folds in around us for good .
16 He watches after us with evident satisfaction , as we teeter back to the stadium much the worse for the experience .
17 So anyway , he erm had his say quite a long story and er the Chairman turned round all of a sudden and he s he could n't say the Chairman er said call him cos that 's what we call him and he said er he said erm would you like to come back to the rostrum again and he said erm you were explaining to me about an accident you had in the quarry in quarry , erm some years back and he said , I 'd like you to explain to these people .
18 Although the area can then be cleaned , the puppy is likely to be attracted back to the site again unless you can remove the underlying odour .
19 He said , said you were just standing there and all of a sudden he said you looked at me looked back at the wall just went pee he said it 's all come out , it 's all splattered all over the wall he said , you did your fly up , wiped your mouth , washed your hands and went out again as if nothing had happened .
20 While he was getting ready , I wandered back to the turning where I 'd left Armstrong and looked back across the road .
21 From the oast house we wandered back to the brewhouse where the copper boil was progressing satisfactorily and the previous days ' brews were frothing cheerfully away in their tall , cylindrical fermenters .
22 An example of presentation infidelity , uncovered in our survey , was where companies showed a series of columns sloping back towards the right away from the common baseline of the X axis .
23 Spencer by now was n't very pleased , Elstree were n't very thrilled about him landing back on the runway either , and with the hydraulic fluid gone , there were no flaps either .
24 The glider dived almost vertically and I was just in time to pull back on the stick so that we hit the ground in a level attitude without any damage .
25 For a moment she wanted to rebel , to pull back from the brink even at this stage of the game .
26 So , I pull handfuls of weed and leave it near the water 's edge , giving at least some of the creatures the chance to nip back into the water again .
27 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
28 Looking back to the time when she could n't find reverse on her company car , Alison contrasted this with her new job responsibilities : ‘ Now I 'm driving over 2,500 miles a month , much of it spent on the M25 .
29 ‘ So what do we do ? ’ asked Jimmy , looking back at the cabinet where it was wedged tight at the office door .
30 Looking back on the period when he was seriously searching as a fourteen-year-old ( and for a man with a mind of Russell 's breadth this was no ‘ mere adolescence ’ ) , he described it like this :
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