Example sentences of "[verb] back [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And when they gave over I ventured back to see from the hillside , where there was some cover .
2 They were among a few people who came back to see over the property again quite a few times , and I met their sons .
3 Still looking doubtful , she went off to fill the order , and when Ellie had eaten it all , down to the very last scrap , and had two cups of coffee , she came back to stand at the table , full of admiration and amazement .
4 He slammed into a wall , his head snapping back to crack against the plaster , then he fell forward .
5 I 'm going back to live in the studio , Klein .
6 I had become more and more interested in the business world , going back to work at the bank in Newcastle during my vacations , so I was looking for a general business career . ’
7 Turning back to look at the door , he could see no manual locking mechanism — only a circular brass inset that seemed to need a special key .
8 Before leaving the chamber , Mungo turned back to take in the scene ; to fix it in his mind .
9 He was at the conference , and a lot of the book , if you read the book , is concerned with what actually happened at the conference , and basically , the basic problem with the , the book tries to look at , and this is where we , we get back to question of the childhood days .
10 Then , there was nothing else to be done except get back to work in the cutting room at Paramount where he was working around the clock on The Two Jakes , for which the world of movie entertainment was waiting with bated breath ; because even though all of the above makes fascinating reading for everyone intrigued by Hollywood 's pop royalty , especially one so colourful and mercurial as Nicholson , it is the mere trivia , the overcoat of gloss and glitz , that hides the real Jack Nicholson …
11 ‘ I do n't want to go back to fight in the war , ’ said Laslzo , 21 , from Becej , as he waved his mother goodbye .
12 ‘ And it keeps getting bigger and bigger , and so we keep coming back to complain about the size of the hotels and the lousy service , and STOP PUTTING CUCUMBER AND BUTTER ON MY F***ING SANDWICHES !
13 ‘ People are coming back to work in the office downstairs from Monday , you know .
14 ‘ Robert did n't say I must go back to work after the baby ’ , Lucy told me , ‘ but he began to be reluctant about switching on electric fires and looking disapproving if I did ’ .
15 Friday and I stayed to watch the prisoners , while the captain and his men went back to fight for the ship .
16 And really it was no joking matter : across the bridge John Chapman , nephew to a Market Place shoemaker , went back to work in the shop too soon after the flood , caught a chill in the process , and died in the April , aged just twenty-one .
17 I went back to look through the view-panel , an felt my stomach go into zerograv .
18 If you go back to work before the end of 28 weeks and are then absent again , Statutory Sick Pay will be payable for each period of absence until your 28 weeks ' entitlement has been exhausted , provided you have not been back at work for more than 8 weeks .
19 One woman described how she had gone back to work after the death of her husband , determined to be brave .
20 The brown egg struck the wall behind Delaney 's head with a clang and whirled back to bounce on the top of the radio bench .
21 He leaned back to tap on the glass partition and then slid it open .
22 She folded her arms , and leaned back to rest against the work surface behind her .
23 This means that not only can aspiring professionals come back to play in the Home Internationals afterwards , even if they have been successful , but also that they are in a position to change their minds if successful .
24 At the end of the day it is good to be able to think that as you step back to look at the work — especially if you remember to get down from the ladder first .
25 He set a course for Omsk and cut in the automatic pilot , settling back to cope with the chain of niggling worries that his blunder had triggered off .
26 He spent ten minutes attaching markers to the map , then sat back to look at the result .
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