Example sentences of "[verb] back [conj] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The top stitches coil back and forth over the back stitches , see above right .
2 Other ideas current in London include the sharing of departments between London and New York ( one team jetting back and forth across the Atlantic to catalogue sales ) and the dismantling of specialist departments in favour of more all-round teams of valuers .
3 They all cackle with pleasure at the absurdity of it ; then , as soon as Harry has gone back into his room , they all mock him , walking back and forth about the room holding imaginary braces and letter , and talking with a German accent .
4 We had wagers on how many times the horse 's prick bounced back and forth in the time it took to cross the Parade .
5 Essentially , all the invention consisted of was an overhead vacuum cleaner which moved back and forth between the textile machines and which had attached to it a long vertical tube , reaching almost to the floor .
6 I spat into my fingers and used them , then found his foreskin was loose enough to be rolled back and forth over the head , and did that for a while .
7 Almost before Laura could blink her eyes a vigorous pillow-fight seemed to be taking place as the two small girls charged back and forth across the bed , screaming with laughter when they managed to score a hit .
8 Second , there was a local Indonesian vessel , the Gouveneur-Generaal Loudon , which was plying back and forth across the Straits between Anjer in Java and Telok Betong in Sumatra .
9 In my home in Wales last week , I paced back and forth over the flagstones , my aerial before me , like a dowser looking for water .
10 He paced back and forth on the tarmac , occasionally stopping to talk to his men .
11 When I interviewed him formally , he paced back and forth in the confines of his conference room on Old Compton Street like a trapped animal .
12 Already there were people there , silhouettes that wandered back and forwards in the firelight .
13 A large spider 's web strung between the base of the sign and the pole bellied back and forth in the wind , the spider itself clinging fast to it .
14 He made loud wailing noises as he sailed back and forth over the wall , missing the top by inches .
15 Then I sort of hold her hands tight while she rocks back and forward on the bed .
16 The shadows from the candlelight darted back and forth across the shallow whitewashed dome .
17 All the next day , women filed back and forth across the bridge carrying basketloads of mal — the manured pine-needle bedding from the cow-byres of last year 's monsoon settlements on Jimale — to spread on the paddy fields directly opposite .
18 The Cluthas could carry 360 passengers , and in the 60 years from the turn of the century the entire population of Glasgow must have moved back and forwards across the Clyde annually without ever getting its collective feet wet .
19 Suspicions bubble furiously , contacts drop like ninepins , Redford is bashed on the head a few times , the dreaded box is nicked back and forth between the Good and the Bad like a gunpoint game of Pass The Parcel and Redford 's erstwhile girlfriend Liz ( Mary McDonnell ) ends up offering refuge to the jittery team and their mountains of equipment .
20 But after two weeks of going back and fro to the barn they finally decided for some unknown reason that they had had enough .
21 I was trying to communicate between David and Tony , trying to get them to talk to each other , and as a result was going back and forth between the two of them which was a very frustrating experience , added to which I was tired from being on the road and I was very unhappy .
22 And on one day of hard frost , Paul and Molly had slid back and forth across the shining ice , screaming with delight , watched by a bold robin who sat fearlessly nearby on a low bare branch preening the pale grey feathers that edged the bronze of his breast .
23 To give even a simple account of this sequence demands chapters that travel back and forth between the various territories that Charles conquered and ruled .
24 ‘ In all , I made 20 trips back and forth across the Atlantic in various ships .
25 The line weaves back and forth in the water , in sinister sway .
26 Maggie sails back and forth behind the counter , wearing a mini-dress , black tights , black pumps .
27 Claire ranges back and forth at the foot of the bed , throwing her arms around for emphasis .
28 He had been drifting back and forth between the two ever since .
29 They were busy packing a basket with the things that Sigarup would need , talking quietly , moving back and forth between the two rooms : collecting blankets , cooking pots , a bag of wheat flour , salt and chilli , the cotton tarpaulin that they stretched across upright sticks to make a tent .
30 The use of And yet in the third paragraph , for instance , gives the impression that the writer is thinking aloud , or perhaps just moving back and forth along the same line of argument — as one would do in chatting to a friend — rather than firmly wrapping up one stage in the argument before moving on to the next as is the case in the German text .
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