Example sentences of "[verb] down from the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having started the match eight points down from the first leg , Hemel spent the first half apparently doing everything they could to double the deficit .
2 There was a second figure , which they did n't see : high above them , Timothy Gedge gazed down from the cliff-top path .
3 The horse pounded surefooted along the tunnels , leaping sudden slides of rubble and adroitly sidestepping huge stones as they thundered down from the straining roof .
4 He rubbed his eyes and peered down from the top bunk .
5 Civil Service have conceded fewer goals than any other team in the division , and had Howell not taken the decision to stand down from the top flight , he could have been elevated to the Scottish senior international training squad this summer .
6 How this name originated I have no idea , but I do know that it has been around for many generations for a jingle about this name has come down from the 19th century and it went : " Old Cribb , Young Cribb and Young Cribbs Son , if it had n't a been for Old Cribb there would n't have been none " .
7 Either a spark had come down from the old fellow 's hole up there or him with hobnail boots had trod on er black powder and set it off and his hole went out underneath his feet .
8 The coast ( or cliff-top ) walk from the hostel in the other direction led to the delightful settlement of Robin Hood 's Bay , where the slipway resembles a drawbridge let down from the towering sea walls .
9 Ruth , looking down from the upper deck , her hand clasped around Anna 's , lifted her clear soprano voice with the rest , though it was difficult to sing because of the tight aching in her throat and the tears which pricked at her eyes .
10 The Gardon was so full of silt ( plus the occasional dead sheep or cow ) that looking down from the third floor of the Pont du Gard it looked more like a flow of molasses than a river .
11 She might have sat all afternoon , nibbling and stuporous , exhausted but not sleepy ; but the glazier finally came down from the upper floor , cheerfully announcing that all was now right and tight and he would be on his way .
12 My talk with Quintin had more content since he said that if another peer came down from the Upper House he would withdraw from public life whether he was in the Upper or Lower House .
13 The smells that came down from the higher ground might tell him something .
14 ( 8 ) For the purpose of this rule : ( a ) pleadings shall be deemed to be closed 14 days after the delivery of a defence in accordance with Ord 9 , r 2 , or , where a counterclaim is served with the defence , 28 days after the delivery of the defence ; but in an action which has been transferred down from the High Court , pleadings are deemed closed 14 days from transfer .
15 He was peering down from the leaning tower of Pisa like Galileo testing his theory of gravity .
16 His assertion that the problem remains and is handed down from the first generation of Homo sapiens to the present one in the institutions of religion and art seems to be , prima facie , very plausible .
17 It will require a miracle for Bedford to retain their status , even allowing for their few plus points — a top New Zealand coach , the arrival of a useful looking New Zealand scrum-half , and the fact that if the three national divisions are expanded , as proposed , next season , only one team will be going down from the First Division .
18 Other miscellaneous missiles rained in on him as he clambered down from the improvised platform with the help of his small band of left-wing brothers .
19 A tattooed arm reaches down from the high cab — lovely , real arm , wonderful words ! — and I scale the high steps to sit with my feet on a coil of rope .
20 It was not until seven o'clock in the morning that Gabriel climbed down from the last rick , exhausted and wet to the skin .
21 Rocks rained down from the White Spider above as he belayed Kartoffel across the ice .
22 One can distinguish a typical trajectory — shown moving down from the upper left of the figure — as married couples reach the statutory retirement-age .
23 Schaffer stepped down from the railed entranceway and watched them going .
24 Rincewind felt the familiar sticky prickling in the scalp that indicated the build-up of a heavy charge of raw enchantment in the vicinity , and so he was not utterly amazed when , a few seconds later , a shaft of vivid octarine light speared down from the invisible ceiling and focused , crackling , in the centre of the circle .
25 DIXONS Group financial director Tony Dignum will step down from the electrical retailer 's main board early next month but will remain finance director of its shops in Britain and America .
26 Lymphangitis in filariasis is classically retrograde , spreading down from the irritating worm .
27 The Macaber , the hooded , skeletal apparition , coming down from the Black Tower to dance amongst the plague-ridden townships of the Middle Ages , leading them in the dread danse macabre , forcing them to dance with him until they dropped …
28 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
29 ONCE Czechoslovakia settles down from the current euphoria of people 's power , its new leadership will have to take some hard decisions on how to overcome its economic difficulties .
30 I went down from the upper grandstand as fast as I could , which was far too slowly because everyone else was doing the same thing .
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