Example sentences of "[verb] down at [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You look like a wood nymph , ’ he drawled , his grey eyes beneath their heavy , sleepy lids gazing down at her flushed cheeks with sardonic amusement .
2 For a moment , it could have been a second only , he sat rigidly gazing down at his clasped hands .
3 He beamed down at his own plate , then cast a glance of concern at hers , a plain grilled escalope with tomatoes .
4 When he lifted his head , gazed down at her stunned face , her bruised and swollen mouth , his measured gaze was brilliant with banked-down emotion .
5 He gazed down at her troubled face .
6 She looks down at her shopping-and-memo list , to find a nearer focus .
7 Alexandra prised herself reluctantly out of the chair and stood looking down at her Great Aunt .
8 ‘ Oh , I did n't think you would come , ’ she said , and laughed , not at all a confused laugh , but quiet , and at herself rather than at him , looking down at her cupped hands as she did so .
9 ‘ My dear Laura , ’ he drawled smoothly , looking down at her flushed cheeks , the blue eyes glinting with indignation , and her full lips trembling with rage and fury .
10 Looking down at her red shoes , she said , ‘ You 're right .
11 Jenna asked wearily , looking down at her clenched hands .
12 ‘ Oh dear , ’ murmured Julia , looking down at her baggy tweed coat and skimpy straight skirt .
13 Freeborn was looking down at his big toes with mild distaste as if they were errant members whose deficiencies had only now become apparent to him .
14 As he fed , and she sat looking down at his absorbed face and regularly pumping jaws , his eyes tight closed and his clenched fist resting lightly on her skin , she slid into the blissfully familiar peace of it , even enjoying the faint sense of shame that came with the pleasure .
15 She stood up , hating her own weakness , and he stepped forward so that he was directly in front of her , frowning down at her troubled face .
16 as if sensing that she had given up fighting him for the present , fitzAlan released her immediately , frowning down at her distraught face .
17 In fact , it sounds rather like the tone of a flat-out , old Fender Champ — not the kind of thing they 'd like to hear down at your local C&W club !
18 Rachel jumped as though burnt , turning to stare down at his hard thigh , then saw the phone in his hand , her eyes shooting to his through her lashes .
19 got down at their own steam I suppose
20 She did n't see Travis lift his head to look down at her sleeping form , nor the strange little smile that twisted his lips before he lay down again , tucking her body closely into the warmth of his .
21 By then some of the hurt had lessened and he was able to look down at her scrawly handwriting and think : so she made it .
22 Isabel glanced down at her injured finger .
23 Roman glanced down at her still figure , his face in shadow .
24 Jessamy glanced down at her paint-stained jeans .
25 He glanced down at her flushed face in its frame of wild hair .
26 Alain looked more grim than ever , but his looks softened as he glanced down at her white face .
27 She glanced down at her magnificent dress and the rich emerald jewellery glistening on her hands and throat , her mother 's favourite gems .
28 Edouard glanced down at his thin gold de Chavigny watch .
29 He glanced down at his thick cock , which was standing up like a telegraph pole .
30 Jean-Paul glanced down at his own suit , which was too tight for him , and damned uncomfortable .
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