Example sentences of "[verb] down [prep] the [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He stopped , mouth agape , gazing down across the Sound where Luch up on the roof was pointing .
2 ‘ And we all converge down in the meadow where the skirmishing will take place .
3 Slowly , inch by inch , the three men advanced the half mile across no-man's-land , towards the Allied front line , pressing their faces back down into the mud whenever the moon reappeared from behind its unreliable screen .
4 Clinging to the hillside amid scenic splendour , these houses sternly defy gravity by not tumbling down to the sea below .
5 So often the right tool for the job is hanging in the tool shed at home when you are helping a friend in his house , or have broken down in the car away from home .
6 A wall goes down from the road straight as a die to Ease Gill and a walk alongside leads in a few minutes to a small hole in the ground that opens into lengthy passages below : this is Short Drop Cave .
7 So this is how it 's going to be , thinks Howard , as he rides down in the lift again .
8 From the square in front of the hotel , an avenue led down to the Corniche where people strolled arm iii arm along the Nile .
9 She gazed down at the floor despondently .
10 Gina gazed down at the map unseeingly , her mind preoccupied with the unhappy little scene in her own living-room .
11 When we finally spill outside , Rachel says she wants to go down to the beach again .
12 Only that she did n't want to go down to the sea again . ’
13 ‘ Would you like to go down to the kitchen now , Tobermory , ’ asked Lady Blemley politely , ‘ and see if the cook has got your dinner ready ? ’
14 I tell ya , so I think we got out , we got our hair done and she wanted to go down to the mission so the hairdresser phoned a different taxi , we have this one up here , he took her down from there to the mission , cos he went down the back ways , you know ,
15 ‘ I 've got to go down to the off-licence later . ’
16 Walking down towards the pueblo again , seeing the roomy spread of small farms , the elegant eucalyptus trees which shade them , a handful of birds break from the tall lupins .
17 The character of the whole place is best assessed by walking down from the castle rather than climbing east to west .
18 He got to his feet in one sinuous movement , stretching hugely , his arms above his head , before he sank down in the chair opposite .
19 Meryl sank down in the chair gratefully .
20 Lifting it , she peered down into the blackness below , feeling the first rung of a rickety ladder as she dangled her foot into the yawning gap .
21 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
22 ‘ Hey , Ellen ! ’ the doctor shouted down to the galley where Ellen was trying to disguise the fact that the frozen steaks were being thawed in a microwave .
23 The clouds have dropped down over the mountain so that the evangelicals and charismatics on the first contour above the town have vanished into the mist .
24 They 're nice old people , and I think it would be good for Mrs Richards to come down to the village more , and be part of Santa Barbara . ’
25 The little larvae soon emerge — they know which way to go ! — and bore down into the stem where they pupate and eventually emerge as adults .
26 Approaching Keld I dropped down into the dale where Great Sleddale Beck falls over a succession of stairs , hard bands of limestone that have resisted the action of the water to form an impressive series of falls all of which are within a mile or so of Keld village .
27 Blake apparently broke one of the cast-iron sections of the frame , creating a space through which he could crawl , and then dropped down to the ground below , a distance of 22 feet , which was broken by the roof of a covered passageway .
28 I dropped down in the boat again , looking over my shoulder at the shore .
29 I dropped down from the loch only to find that the terrain was considerably steeper than I recalled on the way up , although the compass said I was doing fine .
30 Then , looking down at the book again , she went on , ‘ Are you sure she 'll be happy in the room next to mine ? ’
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