Example sentences of "[verb] her at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow — it did not seem diplomatic to enquire too deeply just how — he had missed her at the arranged spot .
2 She projected a kind of agelessness , which had made her at the same time an object of attention from both the Young Women 's Fitness Class and the Over-50s Club .
3 They were watching her intently , with a look that disconcerted her and excited her at the same time .
4 I love you … ’ she heard herself whispering , one detached part of her intellect aghast at the vulnerable openness of her confession , surprising her at the same time with the shocking truth .
5 I 'd met her at the odd party where we 'd chatted and that 's about it . ’
6 It is her ambition to be tried for her life for murdering a small tobacconist with a meat-cleaver , only to be dramatically cleared when her alibi is established by the bishop who was confirming her at the very moment of the crime .
7 But presumably he must have taken a shine , as the expression went , to Celia , particularly as he had gone to such trouble to seek her out and visit her at the Meadhaven Clinic .
8 Dorothy would leave and abandon her at the very idea .
9 For the remaining weeks , you pay her at the lower rate of £44.50 a week .
10 Tonight she was to chair the meeting , so she left the front door unlocked for any late-comers , and , having seated the nervous little reporter from the Advent in a position where she could see and hear all the ladies present , giving her at the same time a hastily written list of the names of those expected to attend , she called the meeting to order .
11 Sensibly , but with some sensitivity , her boss made the same points to Muriel as he had made in his reference , asking her at the same time if these conflicts had ever arisen out of the office with family friends or neighbours .
12 When she came back , Phyllis and Peter met her at the back door .
13 And Glenn Close 's stubborn and pain-ridden performance as Sunny makes you sad for her and hate her at the same time .
14 Everything seemed to be changing , and this excited and worried her at the same time : she thought about it so much that her face had a permanently screwed up , wondering look .
15 He led her inside and left her at one side of the room , walking softly away and stopping to face her at the other side .
16 Once more the blue eyes moved over her body with appreciation , confusing yet exciting her at the same time .
17 Tommy winked at Rose , then left Charlie to join her at the far end of the bar .
18 Fear gripped her at the demoniacal glint in his dark eyes .
19 Miss Coldharbour had recruited her at the last moment to help serve supper for Canon Wheeler 's guests who included the Bishop and the Earl of Medewich and Markham .
20 If she does , you never know , you could still find her at the old gym , this time in the Band .
21 Jeff had rung to tell her — and to tell her at the same time that Silvia had passed her exams with flying colours .
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