Example sentences of "[verb] her [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Then Folly reached the top of the steps , and the woman noticed her for the first time .
2 She projected a kind of agelessness , which had made her at the same time an object of attention from both the Young Women 's Fitness Class and the Over-50s Club .
3 They were watching her intently , with a look that disconcerted her and excited her at the same time .
4 No matter how hard she tried to make the most of herself Sally had always been aware that she could not hope to rival Paula and the knowledge had damaged her self-confidence so that she always lived with the feeling that people on meeting her for the first time would exclaim behind after back : ‘ Paula 's sister ?
5 Meeting her for the first time was nerve-racking to say the least , ’ says one insider at BSkyB .
6 I love you … ’ she heard herself whispering , one detached part of her intellect aghast at the vulnerable openness of her confession , surprising her at the same time with the shocking truth .
7 Jean Cocteau , Peggy Guggenheim tells us in her autobiography Confessions of an Art Addict , received her for the first time comfortably horizontal between the sheets , smoking opium .
8 Victor Sierra 's ‘ rubber band ’ possesses a great ability to frighten the life out of a pilot flying her for the first time , by apparently stopping if and whenever the revs drop below 1800 , when the most horrendous mixture-timing ‘ flat-spot ’ occurs and it all goes quiet up front .
9 I kissed her for the last time as she lay in her hospital bed : the bedclothes were crisp and undisturbed , and she looked very clean , just as she would have wanted to ; and very small , because she was so old , and having started life none too big had ended up , at the age of ninety-one , not much bigger than a child .
10 Tonight she was to chair the meeting , so she left the front door unlocked for any late-comers , and , having seated the nervous little reporter from the Advent in a position where she could see and hear all the ladies present , giving her at the same time a hastily written list of the names of those expected to attend , she called the meeting to order .
11 It was lovely that you came , ’ and she took his hand and raised her mouth eagerly to his as he bent to kiss her for the first time .
12 In India in February , when Charles attempted to kiss her for the first time in public in four years , Diana defiantly turned away in a clear move to embarrass her husband .
13 Sensibly , but with some sensitivity , her boss made the same points to Muriel as he had made in his reference , asking her at the same time if these conflicts had ever arisen out of the office with family friends or neighbours .
14 Then her father and two brothers will be able to see her for the first time in seven months .
15 Then her father and two brothers will be able to see her for the first time in seven months .
16 He looked at her for a moment as if seeing her for the first time then paused , giving the question serious thought .
17 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
18 She said : ‘ I met her for the first time this week . ’
19 ‘ I only met her for the first time earlier this evening . ’
20 Leo asked her for the second time .
21 And Glenn Close 's stubborn and pain-ridden performance as Sunny makes you sad for her and hate her at the same time .
22 His heart lurched as he saw her for the first time for nine years , now in her new role as a woman .
23 I have n't asked her since the first time .
24 Everything seemed to be changing , and this excited and worried her at the same time : she thought about it so much that her face had a permanently screwed up , wondering look .
25 ‘ You are not becoming a Brownie tonight , ’ Mum reminded her for the hundredth time .
26 It reminded her of the first time she 'd seen him .
27 It was the flight path the one man she 'd ever been In Love with had taken her for the first time , after a late film at the Paris Pullman , Kensington to Hampstead at two a.m .
28 Once more the blue eyes moved over her body with appreciation , confusing yet exciting her at the same time .
29 ‘ I 've seen the looks people give Jenny when they see her for the first time , ’ says her mother , Helen .
30 Jeff had rung to tell her — and to tell her at the same time that Silvia had passed her exams with flying colours .
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