Example sentences of "[verb] her [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A few hours earlier Mrs Valerie Williams was robbed of her firm 's wages on a quite road in South Wales when masked men overtook her in this stolen car and forced her to stop and then rammed her vehicle from behind with another car .
2 The vision of the vain , silly girl she had been seemed to accuse her in some obscure way .
3 Nothing in her life had prepared her for this wanton fire , burning and aching inside her .
4 That pleased her for some unknown reason .
5 The wind buffeted her ears as she wondered again what had made Luke bring her to this particular place .
6 How happy it would have made her at any other time .
7 Since all had been well before Kirsty went into hospital to have her appendix removed — and since many people have a very real terror of hospitals in general — I decided to regress her to that particular time .
8 Alison regarded me as though I were a dosser who 'd just importuned her for some spare change .
9 Marry , so there have been diverse good plots devised and wise counsels cast already about reformation of that realm , but they say it is the fatal destiny of that land that no purposes whatsoever are meant for her good will prosper or take good effect , which whether it proceed from the very genius of the soil , or the influence of the stars , or that Almighty God hath not yet appointed the time of her reformation , or that He reserveth her in this unquiet state still , for some secret scourge which shall by her come unto England , it is hard to be known but yet much to be feared .
10 To Clara , it was always painfully conspicuous , an indictment of a way of life ; she knew nothing of the history of slop basins , nor of the society that evolved them and their joyless name , but the sight of one affected her like some shameful family secret .
11 How dared he treat her as if it was his right to inspect her with that insolent expression on his face ?
12 What was it about Luke Hunter that reduced her to such gibbering incoherence ?
13 And er half heatedly she decided she ought , she could n't have any more children you know she 'd , I do n't think it was money so much that she thought she 'd got enough and somebody told her about this Slippery Elm , well you could get a Slippery Elm drink , you know you know these milky foods if you 've got a poor tummy , that that can , er she bought a tin of this Slippery Elm drink , and she drunk gallons of it and it was doing her good and she thought er she thought it would n't , she 'd gone wrong you see .
14 Much of what Patsy told her on that important morning , must have been therapeutic to Patsy , baffling to Shanti , and much of it unknown to me .
15 She now felt so dangerously soporific that even the sneaking fear of Roman 's insidious effect on her could n't rouse her from this lovely torpor
16 Believe me , if I had seen her in any other place , I would have dismissed her as a witch from a mummer 's play .
17 He showed her into another bare cubicle where two hatchet-faced men were scribbling , and pointed to a phone that lay scratched and bruised on the desk .
18 Johnny 's words had left her feeling inadequate , as though he were presenting her with some enormous challenge which she did not feel equal to meet .
19 In all your efforts to help her at this crucial time the most important thing to remember is to try to reduce her anxiety by being as relaxed and quietly optimistic about her future as you can , and to restrain her from making any major decisions hastily , regarding such matters as the disposal of property or moving house , as she may regret this later on when she is feeling less depressed .
20 He was n't , however , going to help her in any other way .
21 The husband will be presumed , in the ordinary case where husband and wife live together , and she orders goods to meet the household needs , to have authorized her to pledge his credit for that purpose , unless he has supplied her with sufficient ready money .
22 And why had he told her about that unlocked door ?
23 She had phoned in sick straight after she 'd got home that dreadful morning and spent the next couple of days trying to come to terms with what had happened , but there was no way she could ever accept what Luke had done , how he had used her in that unscrupulous way .
24 She meant that , once she had talked him into releasing her from this crazy engagement , she would be free to take up her own life once more .
25 Nothing else mattered any more , nothing else in the entire universe held any significance except the man holding her with such quiet strength .
26 A frown touched her brow to recall the feeling of unease that had gripped her during that brief conversation .
27 Did he have to fix her with that piercing scrutiny ?
28 The repeated touch of his mouth on her own thrilled through her , tasting her with such erotic intensity that she gasped , straining against him , seeking the solace of his flesh , assuaging the ache in her own trembling limbs by pressing herself against his adamant masculine frame .
29 Luke had n't mentioned company , she thought , but then he was n't expecting her at this ungodly hour — it was nearly eight already .
30 He had told her , so that today he could be free — free to go to Charity and tell her about this astonishing feeling inside of him .
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