Example sentences of "[verb] me when i [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Chip slept in a chair in the kitchen and was always at the door to greet me when I got up in the morning .
2 , did n't even congratulate me when I walked in tonight for my wonderful singing .
3 I asked him to meet me when I found out proof that he — ’
4 I ca n't imagine how I would have survived without good friends who sustained me when I turned up weeping in the middle of the night .
5 The student chooses their own subject ; most of these subjects are right on the fringes of the course , or overlap several different courses , and what surprised me when I sent round a questionnaire was how much the students said they enjoyed essay-writing .
6 ‘ The funny side hit me when I woke up this morning .
7 It hit me when I phoned up and they said those two had gone .
8 That 's all that Christian offered me when I went up there to lay out that poor young wife of his .
9 Well anyway George did tell me when I popped in after the funeral erm that you were hoping you 'd be here today , I said , oh well I said I 'll leave this here then you can .
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