Example sentences of "[verb] me [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh did I laugh me just about done with these
2 Alright he , he 's probably down there with his wife and my friend and invited me down there to stay in her house but I do n't think it 's September actually , so I do n't , some .
3 ‘ When she realised she faced death she said to me : ‘ God wants me up there to look after the children ’ . ’
4 ‘ Me ma went and dropped me there then died without so much as a word .
5 er , this is not of , this is not of the point , in fact it 's on it , it 's a point which I asked you before and er it concerned , I think it 's the same case as the one we 've just been mentioning the , with the commission of objecting to erm appeal procedures on the grounds they are unfair , is that , that 's the same one is n't it ? , let me just perhaps look at it
6 Will my right hon. Friend tell me how best to reply to a constituent of mine who has recently completed a course of treatment at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and who tells me that the nurses and doctors were fantastic , that the treatment was magnificent and that he is fed up to the back teeth with the constant efforts of the Labour party to undermine and talk down the achievements of the health service ?
7 It scares me now just to think of it .
8 ‘ The Vetch ’ is a really good restaurant ; so good , I ca n't afford to eat there , but I have played there on occasions and most of the staff know me well enough to stop for a drink and a chat .
9 He brought me down here to work for him under false pretences .
10 This arrangement continued for eight years , and enabled me not only to work on several books , but also to continue with my computer research .
11 is now nitpicking and harassing me to a degree which might lead me yet again to write to my MP .
12 Can you give me any indication of the gravity of the investigation which , in your view , might justify me in deliberately withholding from the board information of direct importance to the bank 's shareholders ? "
13 ‘ She did n't strike me as awfully thrilled with things , ’ he said , staring into the fire , remembering the look on Cindy 's face as she recognized him .
14 Blend Six that you 've been trying out here is pretty much my baby , although everything really is a team effort , but that 's why Jason has sent me out here to deal with it . ’
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