Example sentences of "[verb] him on [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Temple could write with perfect confidence in his audience that though he would not ‘ strain the reader 's capacity by asking him to imagine a native Governor of a Colony or Protectorate ’ or even a native Colonial Secretary of Nigeria — a proposal which ‘ does not come within the bounds of practical politics ’ — he counted it an advantage of Indirect Rule that under it ‘ the native can and does fill not only positions of great responsibility but the highest positions , positions which place him on the social scale on an equality with the King 's representative himself ’ .
2 ‘ Would n't want to meet him on a dark night , ’ breathed Arthur , trying to make light of the incident .
3 Much to his surprise , he found Burn was already staying there but ‘ laid up with a severe illness ’ , so he arranged to meet him on the following Monday .
4 We arranged to meet him on the early train at Skipton the next day and off he went to his bog .
5 I looked around for Kalchu and eventually found him on the far side of the fire talking to a group of men , some of whom I recognized as being from Chaura and from Chhuma .
6 Buchanan 's Triangles clubmate Mark Tosh pushed hard to try and catch him on the five-mile run but the Derry man won in a time of 1.28.52 .
7 What is it about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that places him on an artistic par with Shakespeare or Rembrandt , a giant of his art ?
8 As preparation for his new appointment the BDA sponsored him on a two-year course at Bulmershe College , now Reading University , for a certificate in youth and community work , which he duly obtained .
9 Then , when he sought to take the oath , the House itself refused and excluded him on the dubious ground that , being an atheist , he could not swear .
10 She prised Burton out of digs in Streatham to install him on the top floor of her house in Pelham Crescent — just a few doors down from Emlyn Williams .
11 Apparently Mr Baker had met him on a social occasion , and had been impressed by his traditionalist views .
12 The dark bulk of St Catherine 's faced him on the other side of the wide road .
13 Putting down his carrot , Hazel ran across , scrambled up the bank and joined him on the bare ground under the low , close boughs .
14 And then you 've got him on the right hand side look making cheese , this is brother again , that 's not brother .
15 Billy 's been brilliant because we 've had him on an album-by-album deal , and he could have jumped ship , but he 's been really loyal . ’
16 And believe it or not we 've got to put him on a high chair to enable him to manage his instrument . ’
17 This appears to put him on the right side of the new rulers , even if Steaua were answerable to one of Ceausescu 's brothers .
18 You would n't mind if he married your daughter , but you would n't want to put him on the front page .
19 By contrast the peripheral employee is judged entirely on his past record or that of the consultant company which employs him on a semi-permanent basis .
20 Jane Kennedy ( Labour ) pressed him on the recent article in the Independent , which stated that ministers had privately said they intended to issue new guidelines to family doctors to tighten up the eligibility criteria for the benefit .
21 Set him on the right path with a good education .
22 Facing him on the other side of the arena was the current Executioner , whom Angel One had watched fighting and killing the previous holder of the office barely a week before .
23 Owen 's reaction touched him on a sore spot ; and it was made all the sorer by an angry feeling inside him that there had indeed been incompetence , Egyptian incompetence , that he , Mahmoud , was ultimately responsible for it — and that there was absolutely nothing that he could in practice do about it .
24 The answer is probably to run him on a left hand track where such antics would not cost him so much ground .
25 But James said his son had needed some firm , fatherly advice to keep him on the right track as a teenager .
26 He can console himself with a winter passage booked to Australia , and the knowledge that his talent and determined character have finally set him on a rightful path to the pinnacle of the game .
27 On Friday , 10 March , by which time Pons was becoming convinced that their hopes were at last being confirmed , Ron Fawcett , the US editor of the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry , called him on a personal matter .
28 When Richard came a couple of steps nearer — it would never have occurred to him to go back until the matter was satisfactorily settled — Harry , looking faintly surprised , as though he could n't believe that anything could be quite so simple , raised the adjustable spanner and hit him on the left side of the head , just below the ear .
29 Claudia lost her breath ; this was intolerable — not only had she been forced to accompany him on a wild chase after Garry Turner , but she was being subjected to what amounted to sexual harassment .
30 To wit : Syrett , beautiful but doomed , cut his hand on a wine glass at a party and , after ignoring his doctor 's advice to avoid climbing , did irreparable damage to his tendons which started him on a tightening spiral of alcoholism and eventual suicide .
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