Example sentences of "[verb] him a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Maybe I should buy him a place in the country .
2 Offcourse Howard Wilkinson could n't guarantee him a place in the first eleven and Mr Wilkinson told Strandli that if he wants to leave Leeds United that 's fine with him , but he wo n't let him go for ‘ nothing ’ .
3 The management of Roker FC could n't guarantee him a place in the side . ’
4 She was screwing up the courage to suggest she cook him a meal over the weekend when he glanced at his watch .
5 To take a few examples : J. Uvedale asked Thomas Cromwell in 1537 to find him a place with the King or with Prince Edward ; Ralph Sadler asked Cromwell to help him obtain from the Bishop of London the keepership of a park in Essex ; John Varney wanted Cromwell to get the King 's signature approving his petition for a life patent of his stewardship of Berkhamsted and King 's Langley ; Lord Sheffield hinted to Robert Cecil that he would like the vacant position of Lord Chamberlain ; and so on .
6 Although he promotes himself as a friend of John Major , the Conservative Party has for some inexplicable reason been unable to find him a job in the Government where his extensive talents could be stretched .
7 I turned round and caught him a blow in the ribs .
8 Competition could be fierce , as a young Dundee officer discovered when even the influence of the powerful David Scott failed to secure him a place for the voyage of 1801 because
9 And it cost him a share of the halfway lead in the £600,000 GA European Open at Sunningdale .
10 This scientific enthusiasm was invaluable during his three years as President of the Royal Geographical Society and it has earned him a place on the National Environmental Research Council .
11 Welcome back:An aerial stuntman is waiting to find out whether a bungee jump from more than ten thousand feet has earned him a place in the record books .
12 Although all this assured him a footnote in the history of British science , it was his intimate association with one of the most celebrated scientific forgeries that rescued him from relative obscurity .
13 THE days must go when they can wake up a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline in The Sun , and get him to sign an injunction .
14 ‘ The days must go when they can wake up a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline from The Sun and get him to sign an injunction , ’ Mr Todd said .
15 Syd Tierney , NEC member ‘ The days must go when they can wake a judge at dead of night , give him a drop of brandy , show him a headline from The Sun , and get him to sign an injunction . ’
16 I guess I 'll give him a kick up the arse if he
17 You ask a man who has a bit more experience and plenty of common sense ad he 'll say to you , ‘ Get the lad in , bring him home to his parents and the father will give him a clip round the ear . ’
18 I 'd say , ‘ Can leave it to you to deal with him ? ''Yes ’ — he 'd give him a clip round the earhole .
19 I 'll tell you give him a ring , tell him that you 've given me his , the telephone number and he should expect that I 'll give him a call in the next week
20 Gabriel knocked at the door and asked if they could give him a bed for the night and a bite to eat .
21 And we 'll give him a ride on the bus to your house .
22 Yeah i well he 's just distressed cos I think Gill 's phoning him in the morning and she said she 'd give him a lift to the hospital .
23 Well they phoned back and they said , can you tell your husband to take his car to National Tyres er , that insurance has sent him , and could they give him an invoice for the insurance company .
24 Once he is able to execute a few of them , he tests them on a punching-bag , which will give him an indication of the impact power each technique possesses .
25 Then I saw the spare figure of Captain Robins walking towards me , bag in hand : even on land after such a short voyage he had the kind of rolling gait that proclaimed him a man of the sea .
26 Writers such as Vincent Starrett and Carl Van Vechten , extolling the lyrical power of his prose , proclaimed him a mystagogue of the secrets of life and art in the tradition of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne .
27 Every step which reduces a person 's wealth gratuitously is an occasion for the operation of the tax , and each taxable transaction is aggregated ; the dossier builds up ; and the rich man can quickly find himself hemmed in so that gifts are too expensive to make and death will present him a prey to the plunderers .
28 It is the influence of Weber 's style which has made him a phenomenon of the 1980s .
29 Furious , his ‘ father ’ , Robert , had made him a prisoner in the house , forbidding him the run of the Domain until he changed his ways , but Augustus had remained defiant .
30 After playing no competitive chess for 20 years , Fischer 's comeback in beating Spassky — still an active player and rated in the top 100 players in the world — by 10 games to 5 with 15 draws is a remarkable achievement that would ( if it was rated ) earn him a place in the world 's top ten players .
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