Example sentences of "[verb] him [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But soon he is forced by famine to go down to Egypt , and when he is about to cross the border he resorts to a ploy which knocks him straight off any pedestal we might have erected for him .
2 I understand that Border , 37 , was within one phone call of losing his job when umpire Steve Randell reported him along with fast bowler Merv Hughes for dissent in the first Test at Brisbane earlier this month .
3 I knew he 'd fought James on it tooth and nail , and though in all honesty I felt I 'd won him round to some extent since , the prejudices remained beneath the surface of benignity , waiting only for some unwary blunder on my part to crack the surface and let them burst through .
4 ‘ The Bank may — ( a ) by notice in writing served on an authorised institution require it to produce , within such time and at such place as may be specified in the notice , such document or documents of such description as may be so specified ; ( b ) authorise an officer , servant or agent of the Bank , on producing evidence of his authority , to require any such institution to provide him forthwith with such information , or to produce to him forthwith such documents , as he may specify , being such information or documents as the Bank may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under this Act .
5 She hoped she had n't let him down in any way .
6 He got his way in most things , had despotically guided Stephen 's life , had chosen Lyn for him , before that had picked him out of this school , pushed him into that , as soon as he could removed him altogether from academic threat .
7 Nevertheless , I helped him out with one scene where this Danish prince sends his betrothed Ophelia mad .
8 Jahangir now meets Chris Dittmar , who beat him twice in last month 's world championships .
9 He was beginning to wonder if they were n't already softening him up for some kind of a change .
10 Dozens of journalists blocked his path , almost knocking him over at one stage , and firing non-stop questions at him .
11 Frustrated but secretly delighted that I had maybe caught him out with shoddy workmanship until an old fellow from Bernera stopped to give me a lift on the way past Carlaway and showed me the right ones , just before the main stones of Callanish .
12 And , apparently , they 're going to set him up in some kind of arranged marriage . ’
13 As his chauffeur drove him back to Blue Ash Farm in the Lincoln , he decided it was love which gave her that special glow , that sparkle , that vivacity which drew the young men round her like flies .
14 ‘ I 've written him up for some medication to ease the headache . ’
15 ‘ I think he 'll be finished for this season , but we 'll bring him back for another crack at the Champion next season , ’ he said .
16 Knowledge of him was so slim that the magazine Private Eye even suggested mischievously that the Department of Energy computer might have mistakenly selected him instead of another man of the same name .
17 From there he was handed on to Bloomsbury House , where Elaine Blond agreed a one-off payment to fit him out for another job .
18 He still used to entertain the others with stories of his days as a master criminal and boast that he had n't lost any of his skills , but it was difficult to imagine him back at that game .
19 ‘ We are trying our best to get him out before that … as quickly as possible , and we will see him soon with any luck . ’
20 I did n't see him again until last night . ’
21 I did n't see him again until next morning . ’
22 I owe him much in this regard and shall always be grateful for the interest and encouragement he gave to me on his visits to our school , in particular the visit he paid only a year ago when he addressed my staff and helped them all by his understanding and the depth of his practical knowledge and experience .
23 My lesson lasted about half the time of Tony 's , terminating as he was explaining the purpose of the deadman 's handle to me when a gust filled his chute and hauled him off in fine style .
24 ‘ Well , I did n't mean arrest him just at this minute .
25 Galliano showed two hours late , which could have ruined him , but fortunately did n't because the press loved him and his audience welcomed him back with loud approval after an absence of two seasons ( due to the lack of financial backing ) .
26 And Dean set up ATP with backing from RKO , although he was to be rapidly disappointed in his expectation that the company would provide him both with technical expertise and favourable distribution in the US .
27 His employer paid him up to that point .
28 Forster slithered to Delaney and got a grip , pulling him back to comparative safety .
29 Giggs hit the heights despite feeling an ankle knock that forced his retirement 12 minutes from the end on Monday and will probably keep him out of next week 's FA Cup tie against Wigan or Bury .
30 Had it not been his solicitors the Inland Revenue would have got him yesterday for unpaid tax bills , but its petition was dismissed automatically once the High Court heard that a bankruptcy order had already been made .
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