Example sentences of "[verb] him [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Like if I interviewed Johnny Thunders , it was n't to meet him for the first time , it was to try to save his career . ’
2 " Oh , that 's you , Fiver , is it ? " said Bigwig , noticing him for the first time .
3 After it had trapped him for the third time , he ordered all the cages to be thrown into the sea .
4 ‘ We do n't want you to be neglected , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
5 ‘ Not today , thank you , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
6 His wife was again allowed to visit him about the same time on the following ( or third ) day of custody .
7 catch him at the right time .
8 After meeting him for the first time , Vincent thought that he must be wealthy .
9 Talking to him is always like meeting him for the first time — he never comes out with the same old stuff and you can look forward to an interesting conversation .
10 She glanced up at him , feeling oddly shy , almost as though she were meeting him for the first time with no doubts , no mistrust , between them .
11 ‘ He claims to have met him for the first time at the Windorah ; it 's a bar frequented mainly by foreigners .
12 ‘ I have a proposition for you , ’ he said to Burkett and as he said it he weighed up his man as if he had met him for the first time .
13 Shannon had met him for the first time when he 'd arrived to film the pilot episode , and her dislike for the golden Adonis had been instant .
14 One day soon she would see him for the last time .
15 COMIC Rowan Atkinson is anything but funny in real life and is convinced people who meet him for the first time think he is a disappointment .
16 The ‘ fine boy ’ with the grim destiny is Thomas Fox , a boy of fifteen whose father , a small farmer , has entrusted him for the first time with a flock of sheep for Portsmouth market .
17 According to Constanze , he received the news with painful resignation , saying that the situation would have enabled him for the first time to have sufficient leisure to write what he wanted , and to justify his growing reputation ; but instead only death awaited him .
18 A Jewish chronicler attributed the success of the expedition entirely to the youthful Ensign , calling him for the first time ‘ Cidi ’ , the equivalent of Mio Cid ‘ my lord ’ .
19 In the car on the return journey , clutching the row of books like a concertina , Mungo thanked him for the third time , promising to pay him the moment they got home .
20 Not until he was five years old did Endill meet him for the first time .
21 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
22 Come and clean my windows and I owed him from the last time .
23 As he unhesitatingly obeyed , she watched him , really examined him for the first time in their acquaintance .
24 Mr eleven year old son offered to help so one of the put a gun to him and forced him to lead them to him threatening him at the same time .
25 So you could , yeah , you 've got his telephone number anyway , so you can also phone him at the same time .
26 So while helping my old friend , I would be losing him at the same time .
27 The conclusion that there was not going to be any hit him at the same time as Rincewind , whirring wildly down the passage , kicked him sharply in the groin .
28 Would some lingering affection for the man she had once married have driven her to France to see him for the last time ?
29 Vincent looked at him , as if seeing him for the first time .
30 She looked up at Trent , as if seeing him for the first time : ‘ I 'd have drowned if you 'd left me on the Key . ’
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