Example sentences of "[verb] my hand [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I got my hands under the protruding portion I realized there was no point in heaving .
2 It 's time to try my hand at the settled life .
3 I propose , therefore , to enjoy this last cigarette , warm my hands above the stumpy candle , and think with due care and compassion about the true story I have to relate .
4 I put my hand on the last page , and hesitated .
5 ‘ I extend my hand to the new president of the Greek-Cypriot people in south Cyprus , ’ he said , deliberately choosing language which challenges the legitimacy of the Cyprus republic .
6 It was on that occasion — in the strangely bare study of Darlington Hall — that Mr Farraday shook my hand for the first time , but by then we were hardly strangers to each other ; quite aside from the matter of the staff , my new employer in several other instances had had occasion to call upon such qualities as it may be my good fortune to possess and found them to be , I would venture , dependable .
7 I am going to put my hands above the slenderly tapering flame of the candle for a moment .
8 And if you push me much harder , I 'll wash my hands of the whole thing and tell the Committee I ca n't cope , and make it clear I want you out — out , do you understand ?
9 I rubbed my hands on the rough blue of my trousers .
10 WOO JUST HANG ON A SEC I 'm a 19-year-old female wanting to get my hands on a good-looking male ( 19-21 ) .
11 I could hardly wait , for example , to get my hands on the original ballpoint pen .
12 The room had one other chair , a red velvet-covered rocker , having massive springs and I well remember how , when sitting on this on one occasion , absent-mindedly put my hand on the bottom leg .
13 If I could get my hand on the dirty little tyke who wrote it — ‘
14 Thirty pairs of eyes stared with unwavering concentration as I dipped my hand into the all-too-familiar breakfast of slightly sour rice and salted fish .
15 ‘ Help ! ’ she called once , until I had my hand over the lower part of her face .
16 ‘ Look at this skin ! ’ commands Dame Edna Everage , grabbing my hand for an exploratory stroke .
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