Example sentences of "[verb] my [noun pl] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I sat eating my sandwiches in a grumpy sulk at the top of a mountain recently , while the pack of men surrounding a paraglider prepared him for take-off .
2 Just as well the control panel 's on the outside , Bernice told herself , saves me wasting my energies on a futile attempt to crack the combination .
3 Pose my questions in a logical sequence and link them with the candidate 's replies ?
4 Perhaps because I was involved with other things , perhaps because at that time I was still trying to find my feet as a bisexual and felt isolated by straight sisters and excluded by some Black lesbians .
5 I can imagine ending my days in a lovely Georgian house in the Paragon or Cornwallis Crescent , gazing at this wonderful view . ’
6 I framed my remarks in a hypothetical context following on from delegation to the regional arts boards , and I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman was not there to listen and to learn .
7 I sat on the wheelbarrow and sank my teeth into a fresh loaf .
8 The last ten minutes of the journey were so exciting , I just could n't wait to plonk my feet in a nice bowl of water , then we reached the village we were to stay in for the next three weeks .
9 Now the junior minister says she is pleased ‘ that the West Midlands County Council have accepted my proposals for a sensible and reasonable division of responsibilities . ’
10 The matron of Sick Bay , a formidable lady by the name of Mrs de Courcey-Meade , painted my wound ( unwashed ) with gentian violet , and I had to suffer the embarrassment of meeting my colleagues with a tattered and fluorescent leg .
11 I opened my eyes into a black web .
12 But , hysteria apart , these trips opened my eyes to a new world of music and beauty , of which there had n't , of necessity , been a great deal during the last six years .
13 I was heartily relieved to feel the hands of one of the porters , situated on a ledge below , guide my feet to a secure hold .
14 The effect of disciplining and training myself morally is to refine my ch'i to a perfect transparency ; then the li show through .
15 However , Muslim ex-singer Stevens , now Yusuf Islam 's reaction was anything but angry : ‘ I 've been trying to get record companies to stop selling my records for a long time .
16 ‘ I am willing to use my skills as a paramedic to accompany someone requiring medical care or to instruct first aid to any organisation in exchange for the flight , ’ she said .
17 At the end of the Principles , Berkeley reminds us that his ‘ main drift and design ’ has been to ‘ inspire my readers with a pious sense of the presence of God ’ .
18 I spent my days with a lovely old lady who stayed in bed because the staff did n't have enough time to get her up .
19 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
20 Even as I was recording my triumphs over a hostile and alien world , I was also expressing such sentiments as , ‘ Oh , it 's not even worth writing down — the same , usual , dismal , tedious , boring story . ’
21 I ca n't put it easily out of my mind , and the gentle tone nags at me , so that I find myself worrying , asking my friends in a roundabout way : by the way , what do you weigh ?
22 Pat had been attending my classes for a long time — years in fact .
23 By adopting various graphological forms I hoped to fool the editors to whom I submitted my poems with a covering note , often under a false name .
24 I believe I was collecting my thoughts for a renewed effort when the young gentleman suddenly rose to his feet , and clutching his attaché case to his person , said : ‘ Well , I think I 'll go and take a little fresh air .
25 I wo n't leave my kids without a bloody good fight .
26 I got up feeling bilious and with a burning headache , wobbling from the previous day 's struggle , as if I were finding my legs after a long illness .
27 WOO JUST HANG ON A SEC I 'm a 19-year-old female wanting to get my hands on a good-looking male ( 19-21 ) .
28 Some years ago I discussed my beliefs with a learned Professor of Agriculture at a leading university .
29 I have kept my opinions to a minimum but I could not resist making observations .
30 ‘ Fisher ’ , he said , ‘ was my headmaster and he has known ail my deficiencies for a long time . ’
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