Example sentences of "[verb] its own [noun sg] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 One is General Magic , an alliance of Apple , AT&T , Matsushita , Motorola , Philips and Sony , which aims to establish its own software standard for PDAs and a family of related devices , ranging from PCs to multimedia machines .
2 If the detachment moves more than 8″ away from its regiment then it must use its own leadership value for tests , but if it moves back within 8″ it will regain the leadership benefit .
3 In this new form , it would be independent of the ITV companies and it would sell its own advertising air-time for its revenue .
4 The Celtic Church , for example , had its own ordination rite for priests , and this differed markedly from Rome 's .
5 Each industry , in consultation with its sponsor department , has determined its own discount rate for appraisal purposes , choosing a rate believed to be consistent with earning a 5 per cent required rate of return ( RRR ) on its investment programme as a whole .
6 As this country has determined its own money supply for several centuries , why do ministers suddenly find that they can no longer do that without having their hands held by a group of German bank clerks ?
7 France wanted its own delivery system for nuclear weapons ; Britain in 1962 bought such a delivery system from the USA ; West Germany did not have its own nuclear weapons to deliver .
8 It was certainly a surprise to Watney 's , which for the previous four months had been planning its own takeover bid for Truman 's , so that it could close the high-cost Mann 's site .
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