Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun sg] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The work of Askew and Ross ( 1982 ) stresses the ever-present fantasy images of the tough , macho heroes and challenges its appropriateness as a sole model of manhood .
2 The company reckons that it maintained its position as the leading supplier of computers to UK education , and established itself as an important supplier to the home market , and made good progress in Australia and New Zealand through the subsidiaries there .
3 Osaka maintained its importance as a financial , commercial and industrial centre , but despite a population of over 1.5 million in 1920 was still dwarfed by Tokyo , which was not only the locus of a highly centralized national administration but attracted financial , commercial , industrial , educational and cultural activities as well .
4 Only the Foreign Ministry , still occupied by Serrano Suñer , retained its position as a pro-Falangist stronghold , for the continued dominance of the Axis in the European war advised maintaining a pro-Axis stance in external affairs .
5 However , the PCI retained its position as the second-largest party .
6 In elections to the 183-seat Nationalrat ( lower house of parliament ) on Oct. 7 the Socialist Party ( SPÖ ) retained its position as the largest single party .
7 The most significant political event of the 12 months to June 1991 was the October 1990 general election in which the SPÖ retained its position as the largest single party , the ÖVP registered its worst result since 1945 , and the main beneficiary was the FPÖ [ see p. 37785 ] .
8 The company recognises it owes its status as a major world force in fast food to the quality of its products and the quality of its franchisees .
9 But it owes its status as a national monument to the way it has reflected from its opening in 1796 to its closure in 1924 the most dramatic and moving events in the history of modern Irish nationalism .
10 Of all the host countries , there is the greatest possibility in Syria , as in 1949 , that the Palestine refugee population could be resettled and persuaded to accept its lot as a permanent part of the host country .
11 Russell 's fame grew and so did his practice ; in 1754 he moved permanently to the nearest local sea-town , Brighthelmstone , to encourage its development as a major treatment centre until his death in 1759 when others , less scrupulous , followed .
12 On May 13 Don W. Wilson — who , as the head of the National Archives and Records Administration , was generally accepted as the custodian of the Constitution — declared his support for the validity of the measure and stated that he was preparing to certify its adoption as the 27th Amendment .
13 The relative complexity of gastric crypt anatomy compared with colorectal mucosa has discouraged its use as an experimental model in proliferation research .
14 Havelock Wilson regarded its collapse as a direct consequence of shipowner hostility but the true situation was certainly more complex than this .
15 It will normally be in the best interests of a child of sufficient age and understanding to make an informed decision that the court should respect its integrity as a human being and not lightly override its decision on such a personal matter as medical treatment , all the more so if that treatment is invasive .
16 Polypropylene has earned its place as a large volume high growth polymer [ 11 per cent per annum compound for the past give years ] because of its attractive balance of properties , its ability to be processed by a wide variety of techniques , and its competitive economics and cost effectiveness .
17 Chiswick , at about that time , was enjoying its reputation as a healthy environment which one resident , Dr. W. Rose recommended to many people including Thomas Bentley , the partner to Josiah Wedgwood , and the manager of that famous Staffordware depot at Chelsea .
18 The dining room seats a maximum of 48 covers , which has tended to inhibit its use as a public restaurant during the peak season .
19 Then , as now , I shall do my best to ensure the protection of Scotland 's best interests by maintaining its place as a full , equal partner in this United Kingdom Parliament .
20 They come not a moment too soon , if Switzerland is to preserve its position as a front-ranking international financial centre .
21 I read to him sentences from the Report such as : ‘ Schools have the clear responsibility to ensure that all children have full access to Standard English , given its role as an international language used throughout the world and essential for many purposes . ’
22 We have analysed the influence of a combined index ( the Newcastle prescribing index ) , which is based on patient age and sex , on the prescribing of general practitioners in two family health services authorities and evaluated its usefulness as a notional indicator of costs and items .
23 So profound were the changes implicit in the statute that historians of all schools of thought have recognized its promulgation as an epoch-making event .
24 People feared that turning the City into Fort Knox would damage its attraction as a financial centre .
25 Crossman joined Ambrose 's Embassy Club Orchestra in 1926 , some years before the band made its name as the finest jazz group in Europe .
26 We have seen how Labour made its re-emergence as a governing force in 1964 on the basis of a need for sweeping ‘ modernisation ’ and planning , pulling together a support bloc spanning the left and managerial technocrats , and how the expectations raised in the early Wilson period were substantially frustrated .
27 Headlines describing the ‘ mid life crisis ’ of the NHS have done little to promote its image as a positive and worthwhile employer .
28 Some analysts saw this as an attempt by the OAS to affirm its identity as a genuine independent body and to shed the image of being an instrument of United States foreign policy in the region .
29 It would be an important step towards APR taking its place as a familiar comparative yardstick of credit costliness for the general run of consumers , and proving its value as a useful warning signal for high-cost credit deals .
30 Peter White , Managing Director of British Airways Cargo , comments : ‘ Air cargo is increasingly proving its worth as the premier mode of distribution , especially as more companies practice ‘ Just-In-Time ’ inventory controls .
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