Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun sg] over the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By setting up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( CVR ) in April 1990 to investigate human rights abuses under the previous military regime [ see p. 37528 ] , the new government of President Aylwin attempted to establish its authority over the armed forces and , in particular , the C.-in-C. of the army and former President , Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte .
2 With December seeing only 2 full weeks activity and with Scotland enjoying its holiday over the New Year I trust Scottish colleagues enter 1991 appropriately refreshed and renewed .
3 This was before the building of New Bridge Road and it now seems impossible that the large convoy of vehicles could ever make its way over the narrow bridges leading into the city .
4 At Split in Yugoslavia the Porta Aurea in the Palace of Diocletian has already been referred to ( 138 ) , and in Spain at Alcántara , the Roman bridge still possesses its portal over the central pier ( 167 ) .
5 Since political power is part of the class character of the bureaucracy , it follows that it ceases to be a class if its loses its dominance over the working class .
6 Furthermore a difficult transition can prejudice the changers against the new method so that they never appreciate its superiority over the old method .
7 French sovereignty , it was suggested , had been recognized over Indo-China ; but the paper maintained that this did not imply any commitment on the part of the US to assist France to exert its authority over the Indo-Chinese people .
8 The Netherlands government expressed its disappointment over the Indonesian decision and regret over " the words in which it was phrased " .
9 Venice , therefore , had an imperative need to extend its influence over the Dalmatian coastal cities .
10 On May 21 the US State Department issued a statement indicating its apprehension over the rising number of Palestinians being killed in the occupied territories and calling on the Israeli government to exercise restraint .
11 The Christian World noted in 1882 , ‘ The great wave of Catholic sentiment which has been sweeping over the Established Church … has sensibly cast its spray over the Nonconformist bodies of the country ’ .
12 A. " Old gang support of mob rule against fascism reached its height over the huge Olympia meeting held by Mosley in 1934 .
13 It imported saltpetre from Sicily , used local charcoal and exported its produce over the bumpy roads to Maidstone , a rather hair-raising journey .
14 Homoeopathy again proved its superiority over the orthodox methods of treatment during the great cholera epidemic which raged across Europe in 1831 .
15 Danish kings emerge from a period of obscurity in the middle of the tenth century , when a dynasty based on Jelling in Jutland , and represented by Gorm the Old and his son Harald Bluetooth , seems to have extended its authority over the whole country , which then included the province of Skåne in modern Sweden .
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