Example sentences of "[verb] them up [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was surprised to see them up in the tall grasses , instead of moving along the exposed bank , but I realised that the rising river level had forced them up .
2 Hold onto all these smells until the evening , when you can deliver them up onto the blank paper .
3 So we 've planted a seed and we either get introductions there and then or we 've paved the way to the pick them up at the second appointment .
4 I went out I went out with Peggy er on Wednesday er for meal and she 's been saving Daily Telegraph vouchers and when you got so many vouchers you send them up to the Daily Telegraph , who 's sent them , it 's offers closed now and they send you a thing like a credit card and they send you a list of all the places that you can go to for a half- price meal
5 Re Reg er er , er say we had er say , twenty ton o twenty ton of oats come in and we soon used them up before the next lot , I 'll start on the next lot he , the sample man 'd come in , you know , sample in come them oats he 'd come up perhaps , when they come in , check the first two or three sacks with me , you see , and then I 'd have to get a rubber get a bowl full of oats , bowl full of whole oats put into the rubber , see and get a bowl full of whole and put them through the crusher and crush the main , like , you know , like we used to have , just squeeze them , you know crack them
6 People sent their daughters to Cambridge School , dressing them up in the toffee-brown and pale-blue uniform Elizabeth Jarvis had selected .
7 Pierre came to pick them up in the long Mercedes and they piled in with all their bags and appurtenances .
8 When they come back into work , begin feeding the highfat/performance-type diet about six weeks in advance while you are training them up for the extra work ahead .
9 She stopped for a moment , then said suddenly , ‘ Let's look them up in the veterinary register and see roughly how old they are , judging from the year they qualified . ’
10 He was wearing an apron which made him look like a housewife , and tinkering with glass eyes , taking them out of a box and holding them up to the empty sockets of the dead bird , trying to find a matching pair that fitted .
11 Then , after carefully taking off his heavy rings , he picked each of the tiles up in turn , holding them up by the extreme edge .
12 He took the tins of food through to the lean-to and piled them up on the draining board .
13 Portadown piled them up in the first half .
14 Then , with great bravado , she attacked the pile of pine-needles , scooping them up between the giant clutch of her karaso and her own small hand , depositing them in another heap that she was building on top of the rope .
15 They were kicked senseless and then handed over to the Military Police who locked them up in the roofless regimental prison before they were handed over to the Colonel of the Regiment for interrogation and questioning .
16 John Taub and others at the University of California School of Medicine required subjects to sleep an hour or more longer than usual , by putting them to bed at either II p.m. or I a.m. , but getting them up at the same time — 9 a.m .
17 She made no protest when Travis removed her boots and jumper , nor when he lay down beside her , turning her so that they lay spoon-fashion before zipping them up into the quilted cocoon .
18 He has , to switch metaphors , grabbed by the throat the Tories ' controversial team of young election campaign advisers , shaken them vigorously , and hung them up on the nearest meat hook .
19 The AIB investigators were somewhat baffled as to the cause of the accident until the RAF pathologist rang them up from the local mortuary .
20 Leaving Murti Lāl at the hut to guard the lambs , he wandered off into the mist , whistling to the sheep as he steered them up across the bare rock face to a higher plateau , where the ground was marshy and the grass coarse and wiry and spiked with reeds .
21 Not only will I be dealing with some of your concerns through ‘ Vet 's Corner ’ , but I am taking them up with the very people who make the food — with some eye-opening results !
22 I looked them up in the big dictionary my father had bought for me by mail order at the beginning of the year .
23 A burly serjeant-of-arms stopped them , asked their business , and grudgingly let them through into the main courtyard where they were halted by a steward who took them up into the main hall .
24 The young clerk , Buckingham , now dressed more festively , the funerals being over , took them up to the first floor , then up more stairs to the second storey of the house .
25 And so Mister Johnny took them up through the dark yew trees , carrying the goose and holding Nick 's hand .
26 So I 'll pick them up at the next brief .
27 So the , the May the fourth directive is not working because it 's not guaranteeing that the poor get enough to bring them up to the middle peasant status which is , is the aim .
28 The overall goal is to bring them up to the same standards as the western part of the country by the end of the century .
29 Older people are incensed that those companies are making huge profits and that their chief executives are receiving huge increases in their salaries to bring them up to the so-called market rate , while they are paying high standing charges .
30 The water tanks will be covered and their insulation improved to bring them up to the latest standards .
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