Example sentences of "[verb] out the [adj] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 He reached under the saddle a second time and drew out the steel-tipped phallus that was attached by a chain to the pommel .
2 Properly discounting the three notorious rescue cases , we can cite its performance along with the Spanish , American , French and Italian examples as evidence to bear out the theoretical expectation that industrial co-operatives should perform at least as well as conventionally organised businesses ; and that the extra that Co-operation has to offer as an ingredient necessary to full success , a potential in motivation , is indeed available to help industrial co-operatives out-perform conventional businesses .
3 Bramah quotes Grant Richards as having enquired in the Times Literary Supplement , ‘ Is there really such a person as Ernest Bramah ? ’ and ( Dame ) E. Rose Macaulay [ q.v. ] as having written in the Nation and Athenaeum , ‘ The crude stilted Conan Doylish English of the detective stories certainly goes far to bear out the common theory that Ernest Bramah has a literary dual personality . ’
4 So the usual thing eventually after five months waiting for payment is to find out the bloody solicitor that told them this you see and inform the the solicitors that er his client has not yet paid us and we it ought to be done and eventually that 's how we get the money .
5 Everyone else went ahead on the basis of the animal data , and then found out the hard way that if it 's taken during pregnancy you get damage to the foetus . ’
6 Peter Wharton , charged with protecting the magician puppet , said : ‘ Sooty bears out the old truism that life begins at 40 1992 will see him gain legs and a new Nineties image .
7 One source of recruitment has always been the armed services , not only because their staff have already been security vetted , but also because they are used to carrying out dull repetitive chores and filling out the endless paperwork that forms the major part of any intelligence operation .
8 You do n't get to the tax bracket Manny Jackson was in by shouting out the first thing that comes into your head .
9 This is an over-simple account , but it does bring out the essential point that , at some stage , substances have to be transported across a membrane against a concentration gradient .
10 Only in her anger could she drown out the dark shadow that pity and guilt had cast over her .
11 We discuss subliminal manipulation , such as the allegation that , when that now-discredited US President was making campaign speeches in the early '70s , clandestine projectors would flash rapid slide images of John F Kennedy , Franklin D Roosevelt , Abraham Lincoln and George Washington behind him , sending out the subliminal message that Nixon was a great President .
12 We discuss subliminal manipulation , such as the allegation that , when that now-discredited US President was making campaign speeches in the early '70s , clandestine projectors would flash rapid slide images of John F Kennedy , Franklin D Roosevelt , Abraham Lincoln and George Washington behind him , sending out the subliminal message that Nixon was a great President .
13 When things are going wrong the Government 's supporters call it a failure of presentation and everyone trots out the old excuse that ‘ we are not getting the message across ’ .
14 Proponents of the view that Keynesian stabilization policies are futile have been quick to point out the key role that wage and price rigidity play in justifying such policies , and the need for advocates of such policies to provide some theory of why prices should be rigid in the way they claim they are .
15 Marx was not the first to denounce the wretched condition of the working class in capitalist countries , nor was he the first to point out the apparent anomaly that those who produced the wealth , the workers , were the poorest while those who were apparently useless drones , the capitalists and their associates , were the richest .
16 For page one three four and T U P E , yes , well we have done quite an extensive document , there 's been a lot done about T U P E in the public sector we 've done it in the government sector and given guidelines , and T U P E , while it is like you rightly say , a step forward , it 's not the total answer we need something better , but it does level out the playing field that the cowboys can find it difficult in and we as a union are advocating to our members where there is a transfer taking place , whether there 's a change to your employment challenge it and we will support that challenge with the necessary legal interpretation if so .
17 Reports in mid-October suggested , however , that US and United Kingdom investigators still believed that the new evidence did not rule out the original assumption that the attack had been ordered by Iran and Syria in revenge for the accidental shooting down in July 1988 in the Gulf of an Iranian airbus by the USS Vincennes , when 290 people were killed [ see pp. 36169-70 ; 37898 ] .
18 He points out the surprising truth that an accurate random sample of 1,000 people will work whether it is taken from a population of 5,000 , five million or 50 million .
19 It seems , however , that your leitmotiv is that no doctor could be expected to carry out the multifacetted role that doctors ‘ helping the police with their enquiries ’ have to perform , that they can not do so with their usual amount of skill , and that they can not carry out some of the more sensitive tasks without bias or being influenced by their paymasters — the police .
20 He lifted his head and , in the semi-darkness , she could just make out the wry smile that touched the corners of his mouth .
21 Sampras took both the tie-breaks with superb aces , shutting out the raucous cheering that greeted every Becker winner .
22 Er the point I was making to her was erm in her paper which er was excellent by the way , I forgot to say and I think you put it all very clearly and very nicely , y you , you very nicely set out the basic idea that the consequence and that in principle a male need contribute nothing more than his penis .
23 The anger of those who pay the poll tax will mount as they find out the additional amount that they must pay because their local authorities are unable to collect outstanding poll tax .
24 When the headmistress , with some guilt , asked her to take over the school 's unpopular Commonwealth Society she rolled up her sleeves and cleaned out the dusty room that had been hung with torn posters depicting ‘ Tea-picking in Ceylon , ‘ Coffee Growing in Kenya , ’ and ‘ Sheep Farming in Australia . ’
25 Kammerer must have been imposing such intense selection on such a large sample of eggs that he was able to filter out the odd egg that carried the remnant complex of genes still present in the species ' gene pool at very low frequencies .
26 Once we have ruled out the secular notion that authority implies superiority , we can then get it back into perspective as simply a necessary tool in executing responsibility .
27 He took out the remaining hand-grenade that Frankie had given him in New Orleans and slipped that into his inside pocket .
28 Twoflower took out the golden disc that Rincewind had noticed before , squinted at its unseen face for a moment , muttered ‘ Thirty seconds should about do it , ’ and said brightly , ‘ Smile please ! ’
29 ‘ It sends out the wrong signal that there should be two groups on the board of directors — the doers and the checkers , ’ said Peter Morgan , the IoD 's director general .
30 I can only point out the immoral lifestyle that accompanied his profession and the evidence of spiritual deceit .
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