Example sentences of "[verb] out from the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 B Once Fokine had demonstrated that mimed dance and danced mime were the best materials to use in ballets where individual characters had to stand out from the rest of the cast , and particularly when true love did not run smoothly , other choreographers. followed suit .
2 Its nostrils are placed at the ends of two extremities that grow out from the side of its head .
3 There came the faint scuffle of moving feet , and a dark shape moved out from the rear of the car .
4 The descent of property can sometimes be traced over several generations through the archives of the Court Baron , while individual names can be picked out from the lists of freeholders and customary tenants at the beginning of each meeting of the Court Leet .
5 A break-point can be picked out from the graph of employees in employment ( Figure 2.1(a) ) : 1966 was the peak year for the total number of jobs in the economy .
6 The blood was oozing out from the tip of his boot and his face had turned the usual grey colour of the soldier who had been wounded .
7 Blanked out from the copy of the score shown in illus.4 presumably in the 1790s was a fleur-de-lys held by the cupid .
8 The airport control tower was built out from the roof of the house and several huts of varied design were built on to the ground floor as reception , customs and office areas .
9 They reckon there was a load of fallen branches lying under the air shaft before we pushed the guy down it ; according to the young cop who first went down it looked like he 'd crawled out from the middle of the pile .
10 It is difficult to say that such a vast group of people has special needs , and indeed many older people may prefer not to be separated out from the rest of the adult population .
11 The two most populous countries in the world , China and India , in the low-income economies group , were also separated out from the rest of this group for averaging purposes ; as were oil exporters and oil importers in the middle-income economies group .
12 Part of the overall argument of this book is that , as the Roman catholic church is principal validator or legitimator of the Southern state along with the concept of the national entity , what that state goes on to do in the field of social ethics can not be separated out from the responsibilities of the church .
13 ‘ From what I can remember this lunatic just accelerated out from the side of the road .
14 To Sulentic 's surprise , he has also found that the connection can be traced right into the central nucleus of NGC 43 19 — very much as we might expect if , as Arp has often suggested , high redshift objects are somehow shot out from the centres of otherwise normal galaxies .
15 The female half of the population had to wait even longer for an equal political voice : not until substantial numbers of women had moved out from the shelter of the home to take an independent place in the labour market was women 's claim to a voice in the political market allowed .
16 None came and still under the drug 's influence at dawn , he found himself looking out from the top of a forty-foot tree — he had no memory of climbing it — and looking down on a vast meadow , flecked with patterns of multi-coloured light and rocks which turned into horses , all of which filled him with ‘ tremendous emotions ’ .
17 It poked out from the edge of the fallen slab .
18 Turning out from the top of the thighs , bend both legs .
19 There was a glimpse of dark , pain-filled eyes peering out from the folds of the red blankets .
20 He turned back to look at them , jutting out from the foot of the church tower .
21 ‘ or was likely to be caused to persons in or on that vehicle ( or trailer ) or on a road ’ 'Likely to be caused' means potentially dangerous such as sharp edges jutting out from the body of a motor vehicle ; a loose driver 's seat which could cause loss of control of the car ; projecting wheel wing nuts or mudguards that could strike a pedestrian ; and a loose rear bumper that might fall off and cause an accident etc .
22 For Augustine , mystical experience operated in the gap between the Creator and creature , enabling man to recognise his own true nature and so come to a knowledge of God — a process possible only because of the Incarnation , the love poured out from the being of God to his creatures which revealed how He could be known .
23 Having said that , however , we can tease out from the textbooks of the sixties an implicit theoretical perspective that bore on groups and was designed to make sense of British politics as a whole .
24 but they have found that in a lot of cases that the bones starts growing so therefore , when you 're in your late teens , twenties , maturing your bottom jaw is growing out from the rest of your jaw bone .
25 Jahsaxa was not surprised by most of what she heard : Tammuz' life story pouring out from the lips of Zambia Crevecoeur .
26 This is a large and important northern constellation , leading out from the Square of Pegasus in the direction of Capella .
27 Radiating out from the Temple of the Sun , where the Inca presided , were the ceques , or alignments of shrine sites known as huacas .
28 Between the ages of 25 and 30 most of us start to notice lines radiating out from the corners of our eyes .
29 She could see the dark gold lashes feathering his broad cheekbones , and the tiny lines radiating out from the corners of his eyes .
30 He saw the half-dressed models then , and quickly walked away , only just taking a deep breath in time as he walked out from the cover of the parked car .
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