Example sentences of "[verb] can [adv] be [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Since recruitment is mainly by procreation it necessarily follows that , in most cases , a substantial proportion of any such population will be related to one another as biological kin ; but just how they are related can not be known and , from a social anthropological point of view , this fact of biological kinship is of no great interest .
2 In this chapter I shall give reasons for rejecting this approach , or if not for rejecting it then for supposing that the questions it raises can never be answered and so that it leads directly to scepticism .
3 In each of these appeals it has been rightly accepted by counsel for the contemnor that the hearing below of the committal application was impeccable , that the sentence imposed for the contempts of court found proved can not be criticised and the committal order properly specified each of the contempts for which the contemnor had been sentenced .
4 client 's best interests a transaction which is fee or commission earning can not be recommended or effected unless the Firm reasonable believes it to be in the Client 's best interests
5 She implored : ‘ If the immediate family breaks up the problems created can still be resolved but only if the children have been brought up from the very start with the feeling that they are wanted , loved and valued . ’
6 But in recent years the knowledge of the role of electricity in the treatment of disease has developed considerably , and there are no technical reasons why the findings and the techniques outlined can not be implemented and developed immediately by any competent specialist .
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