Example sentences of "[verb] out [prep] the [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 A villager who had played in the open fields as a boy , or watched the sheep in the common pastures , would have lived to see the modern landscape of his parish completed and matured , the roads all made , the hedgerow trees full grown , and new farmhouses built out in the fields where none had ever been before .
2 Back at the 18th green the Princess had not yet been given her cue to come out onto the dais where the presentations were to be made .
3 That was the kidney knifed out of the bullocks where the kidney lay in , what you have steak and kidney pies , yeah .
4 The ripples spread out from the point where the stone is dropped and can affect a great area of the pond and perhaps even the whole of it .
5 I 'm turned out of the house where I was born whether I want to go or no , the house and the business are handed over to … to that woman , and I have to share what is left in a joint legacy with Francis ! ’
6 As an American commentator put it , ‘ a duchess abdicates when her son comes to his title ; she is turned out of the mansion where she once presided … ’ especially through this single-minded concentration of resources through inheritance on a principal heir that the English aristocracy were able to tighten their grip on the land .
7 After a fashionably elevenish dinner at my hostal-Pension , in a small green dining-room lit by blinding neon , I strolled out into the streets where the sellers of lottery tickets were still in full cry — ‘ Para hoy !
8 He drove out past the graveyard where he 'd stood alone in the wind and hurt .
9 When Rosa had completed her gentle grooming , they resumed their circling of the square , hand in hand ; and Tommaso came out of the cafe where he had bought Caterina and Franco ice cream , and lit a cigarette and puffed smoke into the evening sunlight .
10 It was not until they came out into the clearing where the lame horse was dismally hobbling amongst the forest grasses that he became aware of what had happened .
11 She loved to walk out into the villages where she would sit round the fire or outside a hut shelling peanuts with a family , so that she learned first hand many of the African customs and quickly mastered the language .
12 While Unani medicine has completely died out in the area where it was born and developed , I had not been surprised to find that like almost every other tradition which has ever come to Delhi it still survived intact in the alleys of the Old City .
13 As the storm grows , cracks begin to develop in the stone of the Castle , radiating out from the point where the weather-vane was fixed to the Tower .
14 She walked out of the cottage where she and Pilade were lodged in charge of Mr Landor and along the road to Siena so that she might see them approach before anyone .
15 This is unbelievable , I thought , I 'm locked out of the country where I live , and they worry about litter .
16 These are prisoners locked out of the prisons where they should be held .
17 THERE IS A LIGHT popping out of the holes where the tiles have slipped on the roof of the Big Barn nowadays .
18 The sounds of what was going on in the box were being relayed out into the laboratory where Gedanken was , but nothing happening in the laboratory was getting through to the beetles in the box .
19 It is pointed out as the place where the warriors were buried .
20 The warm wind blew her hair from her face and she gazed out across the sea where craggy pitons struggled up from the blue sea .
21 Well , we just got out into the hallway where all these mothers were standing round and
22 I lay on my back , my head on the sandy ground , staring out to the side where the body of the buck lay at the end of a little curved line of black , and tangled in the arm-rest and grip of the catapult .
23 Brown sticks stuck out of the sleeves where there should have been wrists and his head was like a hard dry acorn , sun-burned and bald , no hair .
24 She marched down the stairs , and saw Jasper coming out of the sitting-room where , of course , he had been searching for her money .
25 ‘ That was my friend , Estelle , ’ Margrida said , coming out from the drawing-room where she had been answering the telephone .
26 Becky , 29 , stormed out of the cottage where 36-year-old Jamie Blandford spent the weekend visiting his baby son George .
27 We dress up like bit-part players in an epic on Scott and go out into the night where the air bites clean and deep , and the snow crunches in that beautiful cold way .
28 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
29 Forester had moved to the window and looked out into the yard where the two long-wheelbase Land Rovers stood side by side , somehow managing to be tough and elegant at the same time in their rough-country rig with full-length roof racks and mounted searchlights .
30 which looked out on the grass where we played .
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