Example sentences of "[verb] out [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All the time he had this great bursting feeling of utter incredulity inside him ; it kept exploding , he kept laughing out loud at the memory of the amazing appearance before his very eyes of this whole new life ; the shock of it would not fade .
2 We ventured out only in the mornings and the evenings when the sun was low and the shadows of the tall robed figures stretched to impossible lengths across the sands .
3 She dived down and swam out strongly against the current , towards an orange buoy at the outer edge of the bay .
4 In a most interesting essay in the recent volume of Essays on the Depopulation of Melanesia the great psychologist W. H. R. Rivers adduces evidence which has led him to believe that the natives of that unfortunate archipelago are dying out principally for the reason that the ‘ Civilization ’ forced upon them has deprived them of all interest in life .
5 Fortunately it was dusk , and firing was dying out all along the line .
6 We continued to the hide and , through the slits , peered out on to a wilderness of sandy hills and hollows , sparse grass , scattered hawthorn bushes and wind-bent pines .
7 In the less than half light Owen saw that Georgiades had come out on to the gallery .
8 Then , not even glancing at the room beyond , or at a woman who had come out on to the stairs , she led him away to a small room of perfect luxury at the back of the house , which was clearly her own .
9 Jilly Jonathan was sitting just as she had been ever since they had come out on to the terrace .
10 In October 1990 the WEU had come out strongly against a proposal by the EC Council of ( Foreign ) Ministers that the EC 's Treaty of Rome should be amended to incorporate Article 5 of the Brussels Treaty establishing the WEU , so that the EC should effectively control the WEU .
11 Chasing him , she had rapidly lost her bearings in the heavy forest terrain and only by accident had come out again behind the house into the vegetable garden .
12 Love has already come out firmly as a feminist who believes that a certain female viewpoint needs to be given space , but even she sees the dichotomy between feminism and her ‘ battered slut in baby dolls ’ image .
13 The sun had come out fully over the abbey mills and the narrow bridge of Meole brook , and in the foregate there was bustle enough .
14 Inside the walls , in a similarly enlightened spirit , the conquerors destroyed most of the courtyards of the palace , leaving — and that grudgingly — little in the inner enclosure except the Pearl Mosque and a single string of pavilions spaced out also on the Jumna battlements .
15 Talbot moved out on to the port wing to join the lieutenant who stood there , a tall , thin young man with fair hair , thick pebbled glasses and a permanently lugubrious expression .
16 Conchis moved out on to the terrace , and I followed him .
17 When it ended we moved out on to the palace balcony to watch a display of fireworks , the first to be given in the country ; but after two rockets had been fired something went wrong and the rest blew up .
18 Cardiff moved out on to the landing , still keeping the gun well in front of him , and ready to use it if the thing should show any signs of stirring .
19 He moved out on to the starboard wing and trained his glasses over the starboard quarter .
20 They moved out slowly into the corridor , Chen looking about him , prepared at any moment to thrust the knife deep into Herrick 's throat .
21 Then my granny had to come out on to the verandah and interfere .
22 ‘ Could be better , ’ came the reply , ‘ you know what my regular trade is like , always had to rely on the trippers out here in the sticks , and who wants to come out here during a Winter like we 've just had . ’
23 Do you remember when we used to come out here for the primroses ?
24 PW 's senior partner Ian Brindle looks out inscrutably from the foreword to tell us that the work provides ‘ a unique point of reference for company executives , investors and investment commentators ’ , which just about sums it up .
25 BELOW The systematic searching for new sites and surface finds can take place over many different terrains , often to find out more about a landscape before it is destroyed .
26 Each month the Convent is the meeting place for the Secular Franciscan Order and each week the Journey in Faith group meets there to find out more about the Faith and exchange views and ideas .
27 Staying with Kathy and Len gave me a chance to find out more about the difficulties .
28 ‘ I just happened to discover it last spring , when I was trying to find out more about the d'Urbervilles and noticed your name in the village . ’
29 It 's an outside chance — but all the more reason why Mrs Friel 's daughters want to find out more about the treatment their mother received .
30 It also made her want to find out more about the girl , and gave her a terrible desire to tease Bob about her .
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