Example sentences of "[verb] up [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Possibly the only person ever to have succeeded in upstaging Margaret Thatcher in a photo-opportunity , Katharine lined up to shake the Prime Minister 's hand wearing a T-shirt declaring ‘ 58 per cent Do n't Want Pershing ’ at a Downing Street reception in 1984 .
2 Here the fields are small … and the hedges often tall and deep , leafy with trees of all ages as hedgerow saplings grow up to replace the dying giants … .
3 Within the quantitative framework , the instances of each variant are usually simply added up to produce a gross sum .
4 By now the head has come up to witness the miserable result .
5 AN unusual opportunity has come up to buy an English vineyard .
6 It would reveal not only the acceptance of cruelty , suffering , destruction , fighting , massacring , torturing and other terrible acts that humanity as a whole instinctively condemns , but also the corruption , superstition , misrepresentation of the truth and love of pomp and elaborate ritual that has been allowed to flourish within the powerful hierarchies built up to control the various churches within the religions .
7 The floaty , translucent , viscose jacket costs £195 ; the gathered skirt , with its lycra waistband which can be rolled up to form a strapless dress , is £169 , and the long overtop costs £105 .
8 One morning they woke up to find the Blessed Margaret in charge whilst their own leaders resembled very recently decapitated chickens .
9 On the other hand , practices whose procedures are well organised and geared up to meet the new deadline will surely benefit from the new regime .
10 The voice startled him and he spun round , looking up to see a young woman standing there .
11 ‘ We had outgrown our present building when the opportunity came up to purchase the adjoining freehold .
12 A hand came up to rumple the short hair at the back of his head , a gesture that betrayed his momentary awkwardness .
13 But you go to the middle of nowhere and Nicky would look up to see a black cloud on the horizon and ask what it was .
14 In the house example , we can choose the order in which we see the parts of the building but we surely can not see occluded portions , and we surely can not look up to see a thatched roof — because that 's the kind of roof we want to see — when the roof is tiled .
15 But despite their superstar status , the band refuse to change their lifestyle and have snubbed the showbiz establishment — turning up to collect a recent award in their pyjamas .
16 Even worse , opponents ' wives are turning up to keep a beady eye on proceedings .
17 If success follows at the polls , legislative programmes then have to be drawn up to implement the incoming Government 's undertakings .
18 Thousands turned up to watch the retired steeplechaser go through his paces in the main ring , and Dessie even found time to make a new little friend .
19 In spite of lowering clouds and apocalyptic forecasts , plenty of hardy souls turned up to sample the culinary offerings of Brecknock 's answer tot he Roux Brothers , and were rewarded with a pleasant , rain free evening , and a meal that reached even dizzier heights than last year — the proportion of charcoal to edible meat having been somewhat reduced .
20 Nearly 700 BP employees involved in the KG Ethylene Project turned up to enjoy a delicious grill and tasty menu specially prepared for the event .
21 So many mourners turned up to say a final goodbye to nurse , Sharon Hill , that some had to stand outside Gloucester crematorium for the service .
22 We all turned up to see the mighty Linfield toss Bangor aside and we go and spoil the party .
23 When she recently appeared at a New York department store to promote a scent , over 5,000 people turned up to catch a precious glimpse of her in the flesh .
24 When putting the ring together I alternate the segments marked face up then plain face up to create a balanced pattern .
25 Only five events qualify for inclusion in this study — four individual eruptions , and a series of three closely spaced events in 1902 which together add up to produce a large dust veil .
26 He was a tall , heavily built man , and I had to look up to see the bearded face .
27 The National Museum of Wales , for example , saw an even more dramatic fall in visitors after introducing entrance fees in December 1988 : 68,000 paid up to visit the main Cardiff branch of the museum in 1989 , where 525,000 and 354,000 visitors were admitted free in 1987 and 1988 , respectively .
28 A priest tells the story of a boy he rescued from poverty who grows up to become a revolutionary leader .
29 Switch to wavy bullets and go left , get over the blocker and jump up to shoot the fat creature .
30 I only ever wanted him to grow up to become a pro-ball player .
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