Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 But I had neither stumped up for a bale of fluffy bathroom towels , nor chipped in to the Qantas ticket .
2 He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the Middle East .
3 They drew up with a rasp of gravel just behind the trailer , and Sergeant Allen 's head popped out as if on a string .
4 There was something in the speed , as they rounded corners on two wheels , that shook her out of her bad mood , and when they drew up with a squeal of brakes in the narrow road just by Pepe 's Bar , she was laughing at Miguel 's uncharacteristic recklessness .
5 So , for example , your High Elf army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Wood Elves chosen from the Wood Elf list , or Dwarfs chosen from the Dwarfs list .
6 So , for example , your Orc and Goblin army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Dark Elves chosen from the Dark Elf list , or Chaos chosen from the Chaos list .
7 So , for example , your Empire army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Wood Elves chosen from the Wood Elf list , or Dwarfs chosen from the Dwarf list .
8 The best wines are made from the highest vines northwest of Grauves , which grow up to a height of 220 metres , and from those in an east-facing gulley , south-west of the village .
9 In LONDON dealers were gearing up for a rush of prospective buyers .
10 The whole house smelled of it , of lost youth shrivelled up into a kind of dust .
11 The relay will usually free up after a couple of doses of light oil in this manner .
12 My eye swelled up in a matter of minutes , and I was unable to hear anything .
13 If you fancy trying it yourself around harvest time in September , then gather together a few pounds of the bluey-black sloe berries , prick them all over with a fork , smother them in about 6oz of sugar and top up with a litre of gin .
14 Liam Conway , Claire Breslin , Adrian Rouiller and Margaret McConkey , all of AIB Dublin , made a formidable line up behind Martin , finally ending up with a total of 889 in the crucial last game .
15 ‘ Then I 'll get some , ’ she decided on the spot , and embarked on a small spending spree , ending up with a bottle of Becherovka , a bottle of plum brandy called Slivovitz and a presentation box of some sweet wafer biscuits called Oplatky which were traditional to the area .
16 He subjected both to repeated analysis , ending up with a version of Maria Luisa in which she is transformed into a sharp-beaked , staring owl , and of Francisco Lezcano in which he has metamorphosed into a dog .
17 He 'd shaken up Evans , first bawling him out then ending up with a show of confidence in him with the Havana .
18 Since a much-used living room has to stand up to a lot of traffic , it needs a superior quality , heavy duty carpet of either 100 per cent wool or 80 per cent wool/20 per cent nylon .
19 Train passengers used to stand up as a mark of respect when they passed Mother Volga , but not any more .
20 just as Peter Slade had to stand up against a tradition of formalised children 's drama , so Brian Way had to educate teachers into understanding that children deserved something better than light entertainment .
21 The subsequent departure of both Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett and the passing of the years in general have all added up to a change of direction for the band .
22 His heavy gold rings and his bomber jacket and his wide-foot stance had added up to a man of experience in my eyes .
23 I was utterly baffled , but I gave you the benefit of every doubt , which by this time added up to a couple of thousand .
24 It all added up to a premonition of tragedy for Charles .
25 SCIENTISTS from the General Electric Company in New York have come up with a way of measuring how much charge is left in a lead-acid battery .
26 The research , entirely funded by a charity , Quest for a Test for Cancer , has come up with a way of determining exactly how much stain the DNA has taken up .
27 In recent times it was feared that Venice was sinking , but modern engineering has come up with a way of pumping water from the mainland to boost the underground water base on which the city rests .
28 So she 's come up with a way of trying to protect animals in Gloucestershire , Worcestershire and Herefordshire .
29 But this time the executive had come up with a compromise of sterling dimness .
30 ( UX No 435 ) Well , it 's come up with a variety of severance packages it 's offering people .
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