Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] [art] [adj] place " in BNC.

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1 Er what was your first idea of what you was gon na be when you grow up in the first place ?
2 Then none of this rot about wars and boundaries would have come up in the first place . ’
3 We 're quite good at rearing them these days but even so their chances are hugely reduced by being picked up in the first place
4 I should say I hardly recognised him but scarcely is the word I have picked up in the strange places to which Sebastian and I have journeyed .
5 In fact the Ravenscraig , present Ravenscraig was built up on the first place from a steelworks known then as Corral Steelworks .
6 Unfortunately , whether the contract drawn up in the first place has been a correct one or not , I 'm not sure .
7 All of this has been enacted and realised and completed in Jesus himself , and the meaning of sin , so far as we are concerned , is only really opened up at the very place where it is borne and done away with .
8 Sound quality suffers without a sound card , but it turns up in the unlikeliest places .
9 Researchers now believe the phenolic flavonoids , by acting as anti-oxidants , prevent the damaging fat building up in the first place .
10 ‘ How did you meet up in the first place ?
11 In kiddies ' adventure stories they always wonder Where am I ? when they wake up in a strange place .
12 To try and reduce the potential for stress to build up in the first place .
13 I would have no difficulty whatever in going on any hustings and waxing eloquent about foul sewage coming up in the wrong places .
14 When political conflicts rage , it is far harder to take on the awkward task of asking why this particular standard was set up in the first place .
15 But the basic , but the basic problem is the way it was set up in the first place ,
16 But the figures are quite clear that there are benefits of having in-house erm erm , fields that can compete against the private sector for county council work , and the fear , and the reason why they were set up in the first place , to make sure that you could n't have outside erm , er or private organisations setting up cartels to basically screw the local government down , and charge whatever price they want and con us through and through .
17 They hurriedly threw up earthen walls , stretching blankets over the top to shelter them ; and cooped up in a small place like this , four or five families together , they spent the following winter . ’
18 Drill-holes never end up in the right place , screws do n't go in straight , and no matter how carefully they measure , nothing ever quite fits .
19 Out in the crisp , clear air , with a backdrop of mountains and a clear run ahead : wherever you choose in the world to ski — fashionable Switzerland , sexy , stylish Italy , star-struck Colorado — our run-down of high life destinations will make sure you end up in the right place .
20 It would act , for example , as a general mechanism to wipe out those that end up in the wrong place , say after a cut mixes cells between different layers of skin .
21 The way to overcome this is to sail slightly high of your intended course and you 'll end up in the right place .
22 we shall all end up in the same place
23 He 'll end up in the same place as the last bloke and he 's still there .
24 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
25 The better your plan , the more likely you are to end up in the right place .
26 A gene ca n't affect the wiring up of a brain unless there is a brain being wired up in the first place .
27 There wo n't be a brain being wired up in the first place , unless there is a complete developing embryo .
28 So in a sense , although I have n't recorded in the meantime , I st I still would have ended up in the same place .
29 Just a few miles west in the grounds of Nuneham Conference Park stands another folly which has ended up in an unexpected place .
30 Yes so why did you say shut up in the first place ?
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