Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun sg] through the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Above : once she 's got the T-shirt in position , it 's easy for Clare to slip her head through the big hole in the middle
2 The lamp-post that welcomed travellers to the inn had long lost its cursory flame , and she had neither candle nor lantern to light her way through the darkened streets .
3 Instead of returning to the dressing-room to change as she normally did , she made her way through the backstage area back into the club , determined that he should n't simply disappear without trace as he 'd done on the previous evenings .
4 While the party continued she made her way through the darkened theatre to the foyer .
5 Thérèse made her way through the neat kitchen-garden .
6 Marie scrambled out of the sand-hills and ran along the bank , crashing her way through the tall , razor-edged grass , not minding if it cut her hands .
7 As she elbows her way through the massed youngsters , they press around her , trying to snatch a drink of milk .
8 Evelyn heard a car pull up and poked her head through the heavy curtains of the front room .
9 After a short time , Reni 's wife excused herself , and everyone stood , watching her wend her way through the small jungle , looking lonelier than ever as she went .
10 He could see her shape through the frosted half-glass ; he did n't think that she 'd be able to see him but he stayed close to the wall , just in case .
11 Juliet could see her father through the half-open door of the visitors ' room .
12 We sailed across the Aegean to Izmir , which till recently had been called Smyrna ; and the captain told me how , a few years earlier , as he entered the port , his ship had nosed her way through the floating corpses of Greeks massacred by the Turks .
13 Nicandra knew her way through the tiny , bright garden to the leaded window of that back room .
14 Mrs Young squeezed Xanthe 's hand encouragingly from across the table while the half-child half-young-woman shivered her way through the dangerous memory .
15 She followed , more cautious now , making her way through the thick sprawl of greenery towards the house .
16 The tigress was undoubtedly familiar with every foot of the ground , and not having had an opportunity of killing me at the rocks — and her chance of bagging me at the first hairpin bend having been spoilt by the kakar — she was probably now making her way through the dense undergrowth to try to intercept me at the second bend .
17 A sharp twig spiked into her frock , and as she slid down , it tore her frock through the left-hand pocket and nearly the whole way up .
18 She ran , fighting her way through the packed lanes and not slowing up until she reached Fever Alley , where she had parked her car .
19 Picking the Squat up again , she tore the door open and resumed her journey through the obscure , sombre entrails of Vasilariov .
20 And she 'd been nicknamed ‘ Scatty ’ because of a habit of daydreaming her way through the mundane bits of life .
21 She forced her mind through the labyrinthine sentences of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida until her eyes were bloodshot and her head ached .
22 The momentary lapse gave Donna time to edge away and she pressed so hard on the accelerator she feared she might shove her foot through the very floor of the car .
23 Panting , Theda groped her way through the thick undergrowth , her direction signalled by Benedict crashing through ahead of her , and the howls of the dog growing ever louder .
24 Her soft-soled sandals did n't make a sound as she crossed the terrace , then she began to make her way through the walled garden , towards the corner where she thought she had seen something — or someone — move .
25 This morning , inattentive to everything except the rhythmic ruffle of her rake in the fine gravel , and to the notes of the song she was la-la-ing quietly to herself as she worked , she did not notice Nicandra 's arrival , nor see her as she slipped round the corner of the house and pushed her way through the low branches of the Portugal laurels that screened Silly-Willie 's window from inquisitive visitors .
26 She pushed her way through the apprehensive nomes until she was face to face , or at least , since Nisodemus was standing on something and she was n't , face to chest .
27 She pushed her way through the narrow , crowded streets of Southwark and crossed the river by Blackfriars Bridge so that she would n't have to pay a toll .
28 Grimma pushed her way through the packed bodies .
29 Maggie pushed her way through the swinging plate-glass doors and as usual the first thing she saw was a giant mock-up of the front of the magazine , glossy , colourful and slightly daunting , the name magnified out of proportion : QUERY !
30 Once out of Josie 's sight , she turned and pushed her way through the double blackout doors leading directly into the backstage area .
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