Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos your Auntie Dorothy has her dining room in the front .
2 In La Fille Mal Gardée Mother Simone does this when she triumphantly finishes her Clog Dance on the arms of her more graceful neighbours , just as all the guests but Alain do after the Betrothal and they all dance out , arms linked to celebrate .
3 IN WHICH the barefoot songstrel rewrote her life story for the late Eighties , and came back to claim what should have been hers years before .
4 Laura Medaware put the remains of her gin and tonic in its plastic cup down by her canvas chair , ground her menthol cigarette into the turf and said , ‘ Come on , Georgina .
5 She would then try to adjust her flight path to the fist by altering direction into the wind .
6 Jessamy had n't heard her husband walk into the hall .
7 Jetting across the Atlantic , after two years in America , she had looked forward to seeing her home town from the air , to retracing toy-sized , familiar landmarks , to marvelling at new unfamiliar ones .
8 After she 'd completed her delivery round of the dressing rooms , Lucy came back into the department , took off her coat and threw it in the corner , and then threw herself onto one of the available chairs with an equal lack of ceremony .
9 The 15-year-old Stockton fifth former ended in hospital when she made her track debut in the 400 metres hurdles at York last month .
10 She broke into films in 1933 , when MGM advertised for ‘ tall girls in bathing suits ’ , and made her movie debut in the chorus in Dancing Lady , which also happened to be Fred Astaire 's first film .
11 Owned and bred in Ireland by Major Eustace Loder ( she was foaled only two years after Sceptre ( see pages 18–19 ) ) and trained at Newmarket by Peter Purcell Gilpin , she made her racecourse debut in the British Dominion Two-Year-Old Plate at Sandown Park in June 1903 and turned in an electrifying performance to win by an official margin of ten lengths — though some put the correct distance at nearly a hundred yards !
12 She wiped her mouth clean of the little bit of fat from the ham .
13 Striding as quickly as he could whilst avoiding drawing attention to himself , Sergeant Bird covered the hundred and fifty yards that separated them , and stood close behind a sharp-featured elderly lady who had just placed her shopping bag on the pavement next to the telephone box in a proprietary way .
14 Surrounded by a guard of honour , the Queen placed her poppy wreath on the steps of the memorial after the traditional two-minute silence .
15 Within my dreaming head swims the small , wild cat at the end of Aunt Florence 's garden , Mother fastening her garnet necklace in the path of a passing horseman raising dust , and the repeated refrain ‘ Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea ’ … .
16 She 'd spotted him for the first time three weekends ago when she 'd walked out on to the nightclub stage to perform her warm-up spot for the star turn of the evening .
17 Children could have the right to remove themselves from the at risk register of an 11-year old girl wins her test case in the High Court .
18 ‘ And of course , when Madame was still with us I used to enjoy her Tarte Tatin at the eponymous hotel … . ’
19 Driving back to Leeds , Margaret timed her ear radio to the commentary from the York races .
20 He stared challengingly into her eyes , his fingers ruthlessly unsnapping her bra strap at the back .
21 NOT since the heady days of Shirley Temple tapping her dinky way around the globe has a pint-sized child star held the Hollywood moguls in such thrall .
22 In April I reported that Lady Helen Windsor had made her wedding list with the Wedding List Company .
23 Minder David Roberts would stand in front of a gunman to protect the singer , who has made her movie debut in The Bodyguard .
24 It was a dream , it had been a long time since Hari had seen her mother smile for the death of her husband had knocked all the spirit out of Win Morgan .
25 Miss Jarman hammered her knife handle on the polished oak table .
26 A young ‘ chic ’ girl placed herself in his empty place , fixing her eye liner in the fake sun light of the train , sighed as she looked around the carriage and then smiled to herself , there was obviously no competition so she failed to add an extra layer of lip-stick .
27 The 36-year-old blonde beauty was unable to hide her bitter disappointment at failing to win her libel action against the People .
28 She packed everything away and returned her wire chariot to the ‘ trolley park ’ shivering in the air which struck so cold after the oppressive warmth of the supermarket .
29 She thrust her wrist monitor in the woman 's face .
30 Then she leaned against it , realising that in spite of the fact that she was still wearing her ski jacket in the warm flat , she was shivering again .
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