Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many students told me that they only joined the League because it was the correct thing to do at middle school and at university they maintained their membership for the social functions the League organised , such as outings and dances .
2 Will the Lord President urge the security services to concentrate their search for the alleged theft of information from hon. Members on the organisations that regularly spy on hon. Members , including the organisation that last week published a ludicrous volume full of slanders and innuendos about hon. Members ?
3 The question may have niggled at the 7,776 advertising talents who entered their work for the prestigious Design & Art Direction Awards , some of whom will turn up tonight at a glittering Grosvenor House junket to find out whether they have won one of the silver or gold pencils .
4 As the contribution of Britain to the UNHCR is very much greater than that of France or Germany , will my right hon. Friend encourage our European partners to increase their support for the vital work of refugee relief ?
5 In 1948 , Francis Rogallo and his wife Gertrude were granted their patent for the flexible kite that has been credited so often as the origin of the ‘ modern ’ species .
6 However , it must be stressed that the High Anglicans reserved their contempt for the Whig bishops ; they recognised that there were some sound bishops ( though not as many as they would like ) , and they remained committed to the defence of the institution of episcopacy .
7 But miners in Russia 's biggest coalfield , Kuzbass in western Siberia , declared their support for the embattled president and threatened to strike .
8 The families , she said , had asked her to express their gratitude for the warm and caring support from everyone there ; they were grateful , too , for the many messages of support and sympathy coming from outside Orkney .
9 Thus Leo I thought it better that his congregation should keep their fasting for the proper liturgical seasons publicly set aside for it , rather than carry it out as a private ascetic exercise .
10 Instead of putting their money into business , people lent it to the government in the hope that ERNIE ( the nickname of the Electronic Random Number Indicator ) would select their number for the top prize ( then ) of a modest £1,000 .
11 He accused Scottish Office ministers of ‘ doing their bit for the ideological shift on road building in the Department of Transport ’ .
12 Heroism presented itself to her still as sacrifice ; but she turned her mind in pity to the heroines who had suffered atrocious torments to keep their bud for the eternal bridegroom ; surely , and the paradox hit her humour with satisfying logic , the most excellent act of selflessness for a virgin was to surrender up her state ?
13 Patients were assessed in a special gallstone clinic to determine their suitability for the various treatment techniques available in our unit .
14 Some thought that far too many opulent and now half-empty movie palaces had been built for the elusive fashionable trade whilst others detected a more general dulling of the palate as the masses lost their enthusiasm for the old stories and seemed all too ready for something new .
15 The Irish in Britain Representation Group led a march from Whittington Park calling for the release of the Birmingham 6 and the Guildford 4 , who have been protesting their innocence for the past 14 years .
16 Tickets for the game — Rangers ' allocation will roughly match their share for the European Champions ' League tie with FC Brugge in Belgium three days earlier — will go on sale on Saturday .
17 Although former minisupercomputer maker Elxsi Corp disappeared from radar screens a year or three back , its Tata Elxsi Ltd former joint venture with the giant Indian conglomerate J R Tata Sons & Co Pte Ltd of Bombay is still in existence , and has just announced a joint venture with Mountain View , California-based Silicon Graphics Inc to expand their collaboration for the Indian market .
18 This will effectively mean that doctors involved on a voluntary basis with the governing bodies of sport can continue their contribution for the minimum extra cost .
19 The defeat of Redgrave and Pinsent is unlikely to prevent their selection for the Olympic coxless pairs and it could prove to have been a useful warning to the world champions to raise their performance for Cologne in two weeks ' time , when all the potential Olympic crews will have their first try-out .
20 Jeanette and Simon Edwards , who lost two babies in three years , want to show their support for the new group by giving it a cash boost .
21 Jade and Rose continue to show their appreciation for the medical staff at Stoke Mandeville who fought to keep the baby alive .
22 Your Royal Highness sorry , Your Royal Highness er before we , we ask you to close this meeting I would like to ask our members to show their appreciation for the wonderful way you have chaired this Annual General Meeting , for your presence here and the gracious way you support the sport throughout the season .
23 Yet these can be overcome if people unite to show their contempt for the cruel , vicious minority .
24 Eleven horses stood their ground for the two-mile five-furlong handicap at yesterday 's entry stage .
25 A number of our highly successful programmes currently only run for twenty weeks a year , such as ‘ In Business ’ and ‘ Europhile ’ — and we will now expand their run for the entire year .
26 And while some ‘ designer names ’ have traded their integrity for the financial rewards of supplying a mass market , Christian Dior is among the few companies which has remained true to the stylish vision of its founder .
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