Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun sg] through the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Struggling in the set-pieces , Scotland maintained their challenge through the superb play of the loose forwards , especially Rob Wainwright .
2 When they were n't , we rafting rookies would leave the boats and watch the guides skilfully manoeuvre their way through the thundering foam .
3 Others , on the judge delegate courts , found their way through the Five Compilations into the Decretales of 1234 .
4 That was no exaggeration , Ronni soon discovered , as fifteen minutes later they were winding their way through the narrow , colourful streets of the walled city of Alghero to climb a hill to a cliff-top where they were suddenly confronted by a breath-taking panorama of endless blue sea .
5 Moreover , once imbalances have been created , they tend to work their way through the higher age groups in situ .
6 Judges have a hard time trying to thread their way through the labyrinthine case law .
7 They made their way through the thinning trees , the moonlight touching the grass with silver , seeing the shadows changing as they neared the forest 's edge , becoming thinner , less mysterious , more like ordinary shadows that lay across ordinary roads at night .
8 Firefighters wearing special protective clothing made their way through the dense smoke towards the fuel flask .
9 A few stalls stood uncovered and some brave souls made their way through the ankle-deep , mucky slush .
10 This was the first time that father and son had been separated and it is apparent that Leopold undertook much of the organisation for the visit , advising Mozart and his mother of places to stay , even giving the costs of meals as they made their way through the German states .
11 The idea was that the few men in the University who could read the original language of the Edda and the Sagas should group together with those who wished to learn , and read their way through the principal texts .
12 Luce sat silent and withdrawn as they threaded their way through the busy canals .
13 They skirted the city , threading their way through the still-silent streets and , following the Prior 's careful directions , soon found themselves on the broad beaten approach to the port of Leith .
14 The way we have chosen the symbols T and S also means , conveniently , that trajectories threading their way through the top face of the box B according to some sequence of Ts and Ss , make the same sequence of passes through the tubes , T and S.
15 The guests thought it was romantic and had great fun picking their way through the candlelit restaurant .
16 So nectar-feeding butterflies in their adult form can only be active during the summer and bees must work frantically hard , gathering what pollen and nectar they can while it is available , and storing what they do not need immediately , to nourish their colony through the barren season .
17 There had been one or two prospective buyers , pushing their way through the tall weeds , with papers describing the property 's charms in their hands , but the general neglect seemed to dishearten them .
18 Many genotoxic cancer treatments may also exert their effect through the enhanced induction of apoptosis .
19 Among the World Corporate Games teams scything their way through the murky water in time to a sadistic drummer ( by far the best job ) were representatives from Touche Ross and Ernst & Young .
20 Nucella , as we have seen , is a genus of temporate intertidal thaids , feeding for preference on barnacles and mussels ( which they attack by boring a hole through the shell of their victim and subsequently inserting their proboscis through the same hole in order to feed ) , and lacking a planktonic phase in their life cycle .
21 Couples are forced to pick their way through the costly minefield of private childcare because Britain 's publicly funded system is desperately inadequate .
22 I think if anything it 's more likely that what we 'll have at Oxford is some extremely tough women , because these are women who have made their way through the educational system and are tough cookies .
23 Owen loved the bustle of the bazaars , of the whole native city , in fact ; but after you had spent some time in them , especially when it was as hot as this , you felt an overwhelming need for space and air , and after forcing their way through the blocked thoroughfares of the Tentmakers ' Bazaar they were glad to emerge into the more open streets .
24 By contrast , the upwardly mobile middle class who had recently ‘ made it ’ celebrated their arrival through the conspicuous forms of chic modern decor , including abstract paintings , modern furniture and sculpture and the pared-down aesthetic of the modern movement .
25 Across on Platform 2 , the train from Paddington was just pulling in ; and passengers were already beginning to stream across the new pedestrian bridge as Morse and Lewis first ascended , then descended the steps , darting challenging looks around them as they dodged their way through the bustling contra-flow .
26 Hopelessly outnumbered , they had charged up that slope , cutting and slashing their way through the serried ranks of Russian cavalry , forcing them back , back …
27 The result is that once those who are unable to purchase have negotiated their way through the labyrinthine and highly variable eligibility rules to achieve a place on a council housing waiting list , they join a queue which is growing at a faster rate than addition to the council housing stock and which in some cases even exceeds the total number of families housed by the district council .
28 Other members of the family were wrapping Christmas presents in another room when the Loyalist killers smashed their way through the back door of the house in Belfast .
29 ICI and other big manufacturers are involved in four price-fixing cases currently grinding their way through the elephantine procedures of the European Community .
30 Some of those who stuck with the rebellion had to force their way through the Tory crowd and shake off the intimidation .
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