Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun sg] [prep] the new " in BNC.

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1 With industries and jobs disappearing around them as they still try to find their way in the new Germany , many east Germans find it comforting to enjoy some harmless fun where , for once , they get the upper hand .
2 Nonetheless the rebels immediately announced their rejection of the new Constitution on the grounds that it had been adopted by a National Assembly which the MNR considered invalid .
3 Danzig merchants tended to invest their money in the new and growing industrial concerns of the west .
4 To ease the changeover , the Membership Working Party had recommended that the September Medau News feature an article about Membership which would particularly thank group secretaries , who we would like to call class secretaries in future , for all their past efforts and seek their co-operation with the new system .
5 She never forgets that it 's Howard to whom they all owe their place in the new order of things .
6 British officials hid their anger at the new ‘ snub ’ .
7 Urban soviets in many parts of Russia quickly declared their allegiance to the new government .
8 I suggest that one solution for biologists will be to apply their expertise to the new science of socioecology , and the environment of the office .
9 Such generosity was at the expense of the Greek cities of the coast , and helps to explain why they revolted from Persia again in 479 ( Hdt. ix.105 , treating their adhesion to the new Delian League as a second ‘ Ionian Revolt ’ ) , as before in the Ionian Revolt of 499 .
10 THE first 50 people to book their car on the new Calais-Feldkirch and Worgl motorial service to Austria will get a week 's ski pass to selected resorts .
11 We have already stressed the importance of senior managers demonstrating their commitment to the new system and this is therefore a key role .
12 Only in the nineteenth century did some of them find their way into the new museums .
13 Every immigrant family carries this sense of pain somewhere in its psyche , but often it is left to the women to hold the sense of pain and loss while the husbands and children find their way in the new world .
14 The claims will also leave the country stunned today as millions count the cost of Christmas and the chances of losing their job in the New Year .
15 As the headmaster gave the Husayn twins what he called ‘ the cork-screw ’ — an intense stare combined with a slow quiver of the nostrils — they slackened their hold on the new recruit to Class 1 — a Bosnian refugee whose name no one could pronounce .
16 The Great Powers , and in particular the USA and the UK , further conditioned their participation in the new round of Geneva Conferences also on the non-applicability to nuclear weapons of the resulting agreements .
17 On April 22 opposition parties who had assembled to voice their criticism of the new government were prevented from holding a press conference in a state-owned hotel after the Information Ministry allegedly refused permission for the use of hotel premises which had not been previously booked .
18 Several townspeople were so depressed at the semi-popish ways of Charles I and Archbishop Laud that they took their idealism to the New World , to a new and more perfect Dorchester .
19 Sir Alfred Mond , of the Federation of British Industries , and Ben Turner , President of the General Council of the TUC , entered into discussions while their respective bodies debated their attitude to the new alliance and the proposals which were being made .
20 IRA ‘ tout trackers ’ believe the security forces have infiltrated their organisation in the New Lodge and Ardoyne areas and that a well placed mole is feeding them the names of IRA operatives and the location of ‘ safe houses ’ .
21 As delegates continued their debate over the new manifesto and statutes late into the night , the arithmetic in the hall began to show a slight drop in the reformist support , while numbers of the popular democracy platform doubled to more than 200 .
22 Sunflowers have already caught on in France and now a handful of farmers are trying their luck with the new crop here .
23 It took us some time to reach the conclusion that this was ineffectual , for the class teachers , in copying the professional development teacher , had failed to adapt their teaching to the new context , creating a rather sterile repetition of the initial lesson …
24 We also value our school sixth forms , and will ensure they retain their place in the new system .
25 In the short term it was in their interest to co-operate with the rest of the council , and the real test of their ambitions would come after the coronation , when they would be in a position to exploit their closeness to the new king .
26 In the short term it was in their interest to co-operate with the rest of the council , and the real test of their ambitions would come after the coronation , when they would be in a position to exploit their closeness to the new king .
27 Jeanette and Simon Edwards , who lost two babies in three years , want to show their support for the new group by giving it a cash boost .
28 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
29 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
30 Two of the leading churchmen , Bishops Wishart of Glasgow and Fraser of St. Andrews , have once more summoned to Scone the Prelates , Abbots , Priors , Earls , Barons and all good men of the country to renew their fealty to the new queen over the water , the Maid of Norway .
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