Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun sg] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Others , on the judge delegate courts , found their way through the Five Compilations into the Decretales of 1234 .
2 Many colleges were originally teachers ' colleges which diversified their provision in the 1970s to include broad-based arts , social science and science degrees .
3 341 companies changed their auditor during the four years the study covers ; 60% of these involved a change of tier .
4 And while Black Dwarf staff might have protested their separateness from the two underground papers , readers in London , and students and hippies elsewhere , would not .
5 Australians made their mark on the 1990 tournament statistics of both the European and USPGA Tours .
6 Designed by Carlo Chiti , later to build some explosively temperamental F1 engines for Alfa Romeo , the ATS cars made their debut at the 1963 Belgian Grand Prix .
7 Given their reputation in the 1970s , who would have thought that British car workers would match their counterparts in Japan or Germany as they do now , not only for productivity , but for quality as well ?
8 The five Presidents reiterated their commitment to the 1987 Esquipulas II or " Arias " peace agreement [ see pp. 35440-42 ] , and emphasized the need to respect human rights and to develop measures to protect the environment .
9 Fears that they would repeat their behaviour in the 1987 campaign were not realised .
10 Burruchaga , who scored their winner in the 1986 final , is still there and Caniggia , who like Troglio plays for Verona , is very quick .
11 Holland opened their defence of the under-18 and under-16 cups in impressive style , their skilful play producing 6–0 and 7–0 victories over Scotland and Belgium , while Germany were also in good form , winning 3–0 and 6–0 against France and Spain respectively .
12 The native denizens of the no-man's-land they called Lothian , between the Firth of Forth and Northumberland , then turned their attention to the six figures walking behind Macbeth of Alba , but , except for Bishop Malduin , who was easy to recognise because of his embroidered robes and his doubtful expression , the three middle-aged men and the two young ones were unfamiliar .
13 In the autumn of 1985 a fierce battle emerged between United Kingdom holiday firms in an effort to enhance their share of the 1986 summer holiday market .
14 And runners like Wimpey Homes site manager Paul Hatfield are turning their attention to the 30 mile , 50km , 40/50 mile and 100km ( 62.1 mile ) distances — for fun !
15 After climbing the gate , they shared out the picnic load and began sweating their way up the five hundred yards of steeply rising ground towards the Park wall .
16 At a nod from his father , the undertaker beckoned towards a group of men who came forward with subdued eyes , eager to express their sympathy in the one manly way that was open to them .
17 Most of the farm weights and unofficial weights are of the crude variety ( compared to the loom weights ) but when you add their existence to the three bronze coin weights that also came from the same field something of a picture starts to build up .
18 Credit cards enjoyed their boom in the Eighties , but are now suffering from the Nineties backlash as consumers become more cautious in their spending and turn to charge cards as a way of avoiding interest rates .
19 But a few hundred enthusiasts were all that was needed to make these dirty little flying mice a protected species , free to flit and , well , leave droppings , wherever it takes their fancy under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act .
20 The whole thing hidden beneath layers of ice and rock , untraceable from the air : a flexible and formidable system of defences from which they would launch their attack on the Seven .
21 She was miles away , her internal ears full of the roar of the Formula One engines as they screamed their way around the seventy testing , bumpy laps .
22 Although the Liberals improved their position in the 1929 General Election , winning 59 seats compared to the 40 in 1924 , their new-found unity and imaginative economic policies had not worked .
23 However , the Colonel had not waited for this confirmation in writing and issued his certificate on 24 May , so the line opened on 26 May without ceremony , the company taking their pick of the 19 cars stored in Mitcham Road depôt .
24 They were the voices of lost souls , all taking their lead from the one voice that had spoken Cardiff 's name .
25 IAN RUTHERFORD Taking steps : marchers take part in the demonstration in Dundee at the weekend showing their support for the 340 strikers sacked by Timex
26 As well as those prisoners given an amnesty , the Catholic Institute for International Relations estimates that at least 260 ex-Somocistas have already worked their way through the five stages of imprisonment and , although given long sentences , have now been released on the basis of their behaviour .
27 Mr Brian Harvey , owner of Skinnergate Cycles , said lorry congestion had been caused most mornings as delivery men jostled to complete their business before the 10.30 deadline .
28 Emma-Jane Mac had earlier given Coomes Bookmakers a chance to recoup money given in sponsorship when winning their contest on the 14-1 Everest Gringo .
29 The ancient machines will wend their way down the fifty seven mile route , and among their number will be Bob May from Marcham near Abingdon .
30 They shared the festivities with Tom , Carrie and Christian , dividing their time between the three houses and enjoying a spell of mild weather that did not last into January .
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