Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun pl] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , right from the beginning when we talk to citizens about using their friends of the theatre I nearly fell about you know
2 Discrimination between individuals consists in making it easier for some than for others to realize their ideals of the good .
3 This information will help to identify factors which shape their perceptions of the language and cultures of the Arab world .
4 They wash their hands of the matter .
5 Furthermore , the above analysis may be justifiably criticised on the grounds that it compares two surveys which employed different agencies to reach their estimates of the prevalence of known opioid use .
6 Those who had attended informed their colleagues of the fact — and they took the hint .
7 The Government seem to have washed their hands of the problem : they are taking no responsibility for it , and that is not good enough .
8 The development officers were cautious in describing their expectations of the project .
9 Astronomers may travel into the depths of space and time , but on their return they must still convince their colleagues of the truth of what they saw .
10 The Student Enterprise Officer has also been heavily involved in the evaluation process of Enterprise and Modularisation by interviewing groups of students to gauge their opinions of the development and assessment of Enterprise content within modules .
11 The Irish League can not just wash their hands of the matter , as Morton McKnight seems to have done .
12 The UN said that despite undertakings from Serb commanders the helicopters would be given safe passage it appeared Mr Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic , the Serb commander , could not control their troops of the ground .
13 But the communicators have just as many , and their prejudices affected their accounts of the campaign .
14 The remaining cousins signed their copies of the memorandum , either on the day of the funeral or within a few days afterwards .
15 Three women are now ready for an informal support group to share their experiences of the child protection system .
16 In the meanwhile , careers officers suggest that graduates lower their expectations of the sort of work they will get when they leave university .
17 He said that officials had now halved their projections of the number of Soviet Jews set to arrive in 1991 , and now expected some 200,000 , or only slightly more than in 1990 ( 185,000 ) .
18 Anyway , giving the passengers something to do would take their minds of the gravity of the situation .
19 If despite your gloomy forebodings your client nevertheless instructs you to proceed , confirm your advice and his instructions by letter , and advise your client 's mortgagees , if you act for them , or if not , advise their solicitors of the provision and do n't agree the draft until you know that the term is acceptable to them , too .
20 However , all the new occupants were faced with considerable expense in converting their areas of the building into habitable accommodation because each newly formed unit lacked even basic services provision , and by 1986 most people had spent an additional £55–60,000 on their conversion .
21 In recent decades historians have broadened the sources on which they rely as they have widened their views of the past — oral history , archaeology , art , and in the future data and other electronically-stored information will be included .
22 Then cosmologists began to revise their estimates of the percentage of the Universe 's mass made up by ‘ dark matter ’ which could not be directly observed — including black holes and pulsars .
23 And yet , despite the extremely personal aspect of so much Cubist painting , the movement remained free from introspection , and the painters continued to view and record their ideas of the material world of their immediate experience in a detached and objective way .
24 But Melrose simply took their feet of the brake and Craig Redpath and Bryan Redpath went over for tries .
25 Meanwhile , no doubt , Messrs Kennedy , Clinton and Hart will be making their opinions of the case known to Congress and the press .
26 The children draw and paint their representations of the giant — several show the giant beside trees , some next to buildings , one remarkable painting has Herbert with his head in the clouds !
27 He is in Middlesbrough commissioned by Cleveland Arts and Teesside Tomorrow , along with two other artists , to present their views of the river and its surrounding environment .
28 The regarders , like the verderers , were frequently amerced at Forest Eyres for failure to carry out their duties to the satisfaction of the judges — for failing to appear with the other regarders to make the regard , or to take the regarders ' oath , or to present their rolls of the regard on the first day of the Forest Eyre , or for losing their rolls , or for incompleteness in their returns .
29 Celebrities also have been voicing their opinions of the end to the ‘ fairytale romance ’ .
30 l to r : Debbie King , Sarah Gould and Vickie O'Dell putting their mementos of the day to good use !
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