Example sentences of "[verb] been the [noun sg] [prep] much " in BNC.

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1 This report , of the Medical Royal Colleges and their Faculties in the United Kingdom , concerns itself with the diagnosis of brain death , but at the outset acknowledges that ‘ the dilemma of when to switch off the ventilator has been the subject of much public interest . ’
2 Hermit crabs are able to make a rapid assessment of whether a particular shell is of an appropriate size or not , and how they do this has been the subject of much study .
3 What to do for the best has been the subject of much discussion at local aquatic societies over the years .
4 The nature of this formal regulation has been the subject of much debate .
5 Deaf education itself has been the subject of much dispute relating to the ‘ how ’ of education — that is , primarily , what method of communication do we use to educate deaf people ?
6 All the cases of leukaemia in Thurso were centred on this estate , which lies just within 12.5 km of Dounreay , so that the excess there was much higher than in the next cumulative zone , which included the eastern half of the town ( within 16.6 km ) , a difference that has been the subject of much comment .
7 This proposition has been the subject of much empirical debate , but at present there seems no overwhelming consensus as to its veracity .
8 The ballot has been the subject of much hostile comment .
9 The DMS itself , as the major vehicle of such provision , has been the subject of much debate during the last decade , principally about its nature and content .
10 That such an organism existed , or exists , has been the subject of much speculation by palaeobiologists and geochemists interested in the origin of the so-called banded iron formations ( BIFs ) ; these are sedimentary ores typically composed of alternating layers of silica- and iron-rich minerals that can often be traced as discrete units over hundreds of kilometres .
11 The origin of these cells has been the subject of much debate .
12 The cause and definition of enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma ( EATCL ) and its relation to coeliac disease has been the subject of much debate recently .
13 The meaning of the phrase " touch and concern the land " , which derives from a decision in Spencer 's Case ( 1583 ) 5 Co Rep 15a , has been the subject of much academic and judicial debate .
14 Even the awkward , the misfits , the discontented , feel a lessening of their misery when they realize they have a place , specially set for them , at a dinner which has been the subject of much thought , care , and several hours of preparation .
15 This has been the subject of much debate and controversy , however , and we consider it in Chapter 22 .
16 Versace has been the butt of much criticism for his grandiose vision of late , though some of his clothes — when taken out of his prescribed context — can be beautiful and visually dramatic .
17 THE French market bid a cheery au revoir to Edith Cresson , glad to see the back of a government that has been the source of much uncertainty , even outright damage , for the Paris market .
18 This balance between an individual 's freedom of choice , or ‘ free will ’ as it is often described , and the influences of forces external to each individual , called determinism , has been the basis of much philosophical and theological debate .
19 The gallery at the regional Architecture Centre has been the focus for much of the region 's activity with an attractive and well supported series of exhibitions .
20 The Dobermann has been the focus of much controversy since being introduced to Britain 50 years ago
21 This summer it was the scene of the first mass occupation of a plant by strikers in the USA since the 1930s , and has been the focus of much of the non-violent direct action during the seven-month strike .
22 One concept which has been the focus of much debate in evaluating efficiency is that of the ‘ Quality Adjusted Life Year ’ or QALY developed by the health economist , Alan Williams .
23 The concept of incest has been the focus of much anthropological study , and by introducing this third variable Todd is able to identify seven family types , which are listed in table 3.1 Within families where the spouses are determined by custom there are two sub-types : in the endogamous community family , there is equality between brothers in matters of inheritance , married sons cohabit with their parents , and there is frequently marriage between the children of brothers ; whereas in asymmetrical community families the first two conditions also hold but marriages between the children of brothers are prohibited , although there may be a preference for marriage between the children of brothers and sisters .
24 The absence of such a universally adopted standard whereby the human conscience could have been developed to have a significant influence on human behaviour , has been the cause of much failure in efforts to administer justice .
25 Its location has been the cause of much dispute because the church was brutally destroyed by the Lancastrian army in their sack of the town in 1461 .
26 Such has been the assumption behind much work in socio-cultural anthropology .
27 Fowler had been told not to press the old man , but the parentage of Cissie 's baby had been the cause of much of the gossip .
28 The pros and cons of feeding hedgehogs have been the subject of much debate , but scientific evidence suggests that , even if supplementary food is put out for hedgehogs , they will still hunt on their own account .
29 As stated above , the problem of desertification has been brought to public attention by famines that have resulted in immense loss of life , especially in the Sahel-Saharan zone of Africa ( reviewed in Glanz 1987 and Mortimore 1989 ) , the causes of which have been the subject of much debate and have recently been reviewed by Hulme ( 1989 ) .
30 Minor tranquillizers , in particular , have been the subject of much criticism in view of the extent of their prescribing in general practice , their doubtful efficacy and the risks associated with their use ( Catalan and Gath 1985 ) .
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