Example sentences of "[verb] been [v-ing] this [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Edinburgh Green Belt Trust has been discussing this matter with its funding partners and it will be important for David Oldham to discuss the various views with the Urban Forestry Advisory Group .
2 Mary Anne who has been managing this side of things for us is leaving Birmingham and we are looking for a new manager ( see job description on page 6 ) .
3 jack ’ , we discover , ‘ has been reading this epistle with a commentary but could get no help from it . ’
4 Yeah but but of course this chap has been doing this research in erm Bangladesh was n't it , I think ?
5 The Secretary of State has been awaiting this advice for sometime .
6 And the conservative group is running the council in the sense that labour has scrambled , obviously over the last few days , to reduce its tax level to something closer to the tories and I 'm going to stand with my fellow liberal democrats tonight and vote for a higher figure because , not only because I think that there 's sort of things we want to do in our budget , are b are b are better and and would be better done than not done , but because I think there 's a fundamental political ethical issue here and it 's one which has been confronting this country for a great many years and which is going to be crucial in the next election .
7 So after they 'd been using this stuff with no windows open or anything , one of the workmen began to feel a little bit groggy so he said to his mate and open the back door Charlie , will you , I 'm feeling a bit groggy .
8 We 'd been expecting this news for so long that we were scarcely able to take it in , in fact we were fairly incredulous .
9 But lately he 'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave , Rampage .
10 How would you feel if you 'd been paying this money for ten years and then you lived , you lived after than , and you got nothing for it basically .
11 Are there any naked nuns in the film ? ’ — with cool , defiant charm , while George Harrison , who 'd been doing this sort of thing since his Beatle days , kept the whole thing on an even keel with his Liverpudlian wit and wisdom .
12 ‘ From the expression on Rik 's face , you would think he 'd been doing this sort of stuff all his life , ’ Gerald says .
13 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
14 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
15 The Review Panel would have had to try to persuade the court that complying with FRED 1 failed to give a true and fair view , and it would have been presenting this argument at the same time that companies generally were being compelled to comply with FRS 3 ( a not fundamentally revised version of FRED 1 ) in order to give a true and fair view .
16 I suppose , poor woman , she had been repeating this phrase for days on end to hundreds of us on our way out , and she would obviously have preferred us all to disappear down a big hole and relieve her of the tedium of wearing out her voice .
17 She had been imagining this meeting for some time .
18 I had been expecting this news for some time but it still came as a terrible shock .
19 The team , five of them , had been watching this farmhouse for two months .
20 I 've been riding this horse for a couple of years now and he never lets me down .
21 I mean , I 've been living this guy for three weeks now and Vic starts telling me how to speak ?
22 Yeah it 's more difficult to keep up with others if they if they 're older and they 've been learning this stuff for a lot longer
23 Yes but to me it 's old stuff Brenda I mean I 've been hearing this kind of conversation in number between chaps coming in to mend things
24 I 've been taking this pain under my armpit and it 's kind of under back .
25 They can do erm damage to a section of the network erm that does not bring about major destruction and with this accurate bombing that we 've been seeing this kind of operation is possible .
26 ‘ They 've been showing this stuff for two years ’ .
27 ‘ They 've been showing this stuff for two years ’ .
28 ‘ But I 've been doing this job for so many years , I 've probably been playing the odds too long . ’
29 ‘ Some of the stuff is very '70s sounding , but then again , as we 've been doing this thing for such a long time , I guess it 's kinda cool that all that is back in vogue .
30 ‘ I 've been working this way for 18 months now and I 'm really happy with how it 's going .
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