Example sentences of "[verb] been [vb pp] with a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lucky Ebenezer , 74 , and his 75-year-old wife , who has been fitted with a heart pacemaker , will now be taking life much easier at their home in Aberystwyth , west Wales .
2 Delmar Menjamim flew his replica Gee Bee R–2 racer , the Eagles Aerobatic Team performed a faultless routine in their trio of Christen Eagles , a scintillating performance was given by Bobby Younkin in his Beech 18 , a routine which included barrel rolls ! , but probably the most unusual of all was Craig Hisking , who flew his much modified Pitts Special , which has been fitted with an undercarriage on the top wing , enabling him to land upside down as well as the right way up .
3 Since 1979 the programme of privatization has been defended with a mixture of ideological and pragmatic arguments .
4 Subsequently , Hearn has been threatened with an injunction , while a letter from the WPBSA 's solicitors awaits Doyle on his return from holiday .
5 From its infancy philosophy has been struck with a horror of the other that remains other — with an insurmountable allergy …
6 A rod that is propped at 45° to the water , quivering slightly as the current pushes against the line , will suddenly slam over as though it has been struck with a sandbag .
7 Nick is the man with the baseball glove who can stand at the end of the practice range and catch his master 's ball no matter whether it has been struck with a sand-iron or a driver .
8 Owner occupied housing has been developed with a view to derived profits via the production route .
9 In addition to this , candidates are required to submit a dissertation on a topic The course has been developed with a view to preparing students for proceeding to research work in their field , or seeking employment in cultural institutions or the media .
10 How will follow up and rehabilitation services for patients who have undergone joint replacements be organized if the surgical contract has been placed with a hospital some distance away from the DHA ?
11 These have over 84 leads and 5V on-board programming , which has been implemented with a JTAG circuit .
12 The 28-year-old Australian , men 's champion in 1987 , has been sidelined with a knee injury since last September and has lost his fitness battle .
13 A certificate of deposit ( CD ) states that a deposit has been made with a bank for a fixed period of time at the end of which it will be repaid with interest .
14 The situation was complicated by Minton 's affection for and affinity with Henrietta who has been compared with a Suffragette in her absolute determination to defeat the pressures of convention .
15 Gigolo Aunts ' casual tenacity has been rewarded with a deal with Fire Records over here , which gives everyone the opportunity to catch ‘ Cope ’ and its maudlin lyrical concerns .
16 When you tell Oreste that he has been blessed with a brother I beg you to remind him that he is his mother 's first-born and as such has pride of place in her heart .
17 She thanks Jenny and her previous Medau teachers for their leadership and is grateful that she has been blessed with an ability to keep up her sport .
18 In particular , vision has been equated with a capacity for imagination' , ‘ inspiration ’ , ‘ insight ’ , ‘ foresight ’ and ‘ sagacity ’ ( Oxford English Dictionary ) .
19 Unable to resolve the mess generated by the $6 billion , court-mandated harbour clean-up , Massachusetts has been hit with a ban on nearly all new sewer connections in the Boston area .
20 PRINCE Albert of Monaco , above , has been hit with a paternity suit less than a month after beating a similar claim .
21 What may appear to be an ordinary action , such as picking up a slipper to put it on , can trigger an unusual response from the dog if it has been hit with a shoe in a previous home .
22 As this has been achieved with a style of football that owes little to romantic idealism , Charlton is not in trouble-free waters although even his most vigorous detractors are now inclined to take a pragmatic stance , appeased by success and forced to accept his widespread popularity .
23 Texture and shine has been achieved with an application of styling spray before styling and wax after styling .
24 All of this has been achieved with an inevitability which few batsmen since Bradman have been able to suggest , and in 111 Tests at the end of the 1989–90 series he was just ten runs short of 8,000 at an average of 51 .
25 Honour has been troubled with a knee injury for some time .
26 Everything that the Megas have achieved has been received with a degree of surprise .
27 In that short period , a profit of £5m , tax-free , has gone to secret investors , and Telecom has been landed with a lemon .
28 The word list has been created with an eye to current concerns so that students will be exposed to an up-to-date vocabulary that is relevant to them .
29 At each level , the word list has been created with an eye to current concerns so that students are exposed to an up-to-date vocabulary which is really relevant to their needs .
30 David Edward Hughes , whose experiments with the ‘ printing telegraph ’ led to the development of an efficient microphone during the 1870's , has been honoured with a plaque at his former lodgings .
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