Example sentences of "[verb] been [vb pp] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Fig 36 an example is given of a holding pattern that has been completed in a time of 4 mins 28 secs .
2 A service by Cromer 's Tyne class lifeboat Ruby and Arthur Reed II on 21 November 1990 has been recognised in a letter of thanks to the crew from the Chairman of the Institution .
3 Agency has been recognised in a number of international contexts .
4 The effect has been recognised in a number of studies , not least in my own .
5 If , for example , I am engaged in reading a text on a subject in which I am well versed ( where the ideational or content schema is familiar ) , which has been written in a manner conventionally associated with writing on this subject ( where the interpersonal or formal schema is familiar ) , then I shall only need to pay attention to the linguistic signs to the extent that they key in this schematic knowledge and indicate how it is to be extended .
6 In a " memorandum of disapproval " , Bush defended his veto , claiming that " the original focus of the bill — to help revitalize America 's inner cities — has been lost in a blizzard of special-interest pleadings " .
7 For a number of years , the department has been engaged in a research project entitled ‘ The emigration of German-speaking art experts ’ , which lies behind this symposium .
8 An increased risk of developing gastric cancer in the smoking population has been highlighted in a number of large scale prospective cohort studies and there is increasing evidence accumulating from postlabelling studies that DNA adducts can be correlated with smoking history .
9 Similar findings on the decline in the strength of trade unions has been highlighted in a report on labour performance in the North-West — an area traditionally strong in trade union organization .
10 His leadership has been criticized in a number of particulars : the timing of the movement 's creation ( too early or too late ) ; the adoption of anti-communism , which had short-term benefits but turned Gaullism into a right-wing preserve ; the systematic hostility to parliament and refusal to negotiate with the parties ; the tactical mistake of refusing apparentements in June 1951 .
11 In the business sector , the users ' needs approach to accounting theory has been adopted in a number of authoritative statements .
12 The volume of complaint about the difficulties encountered by pedestrians is certainly high and has been recorded in a number of surveys in recent years .
13 This has been done in a number of papers and in this sections we outline the results of a study by Attfield and Duck ( 1983 ) ( henceforth AD ) .
14 But local mum Carol Lambird says she has been locked in a wrangle with Durham County Council for the last two years after her son Christopher was diagnosed as dyslexic .
15 A MAN has been injured in a road smash on Teesside involving a police car .
16 This is not to say that the Government has not also been pursuing other policies , such as the wider spread of home ownership , that have been beneficial to many working-class people , but the approach has been implemented in a way that has isolated the underclass still further .
17 The algorithm has been implemented in a program called probeorder .
18 The money has been invested in a trust fund , the Ellen Newton Memorial Trust , and the interest will be given to the families of terrorist victims .
19 The extent of the damage to wildlife caused by the acidification of Britain 's lakes and rivers has been documented in a report prepared by English Nature .
20 A TRUCE has been called in a battle between Stone Age defenders and an electronics consortium , Hutchison Microtel .
21 A PUBLIC meeting has been called in a bid to curb under-aged drinking and vandalism at Seaton Carew , near Hartlepool .
22 What happens when a majority voting equilibrium does not exist has been explored in a number of studies .
23 The significance of these regimes for economic policy has been explored in a number of papers , notably in Muellbauer and Portes ( 1978 ) and Malinvaud ( 1977 ) .
24 A WARNING that the Church of Scotland 's parish structure could collapse in the face of threatened cuts in funding has been made in a report to go to the General Assembly in May .
25 Finally , I should like to ask the Secretary of State what progress has been made in an area where I believe it would be sensible to take action .
26 The automatic recognition of word meanings has been demonstrated in a number of experimental investigations .
27 In recent years , the reality of the University 's achievements in multidisciplinary research has been acknowledged in a variety of ways , for example through the establishment in the University of two new international standard Interdisciplinary Research Centres ( IRCs ) : the Agriculture and Food Research Council 's Genome Research IRC and the Economic and Social Research Council 's Human Communications IRC .
28 ( S. ) 320 , and has been applied in a number of subsequent decisions , such as Fleming and Dodge ( 1984 ) 6 Cr.App.R .
29 The passivity of the wronged girl is a trait she shares with the hero of Guy Newell 's Fox Farm ( 1922 ) , a sensitive farmer abandoned by his go-getting wife after he has been blinded in an explosion .
30 Such an example is the alternation between [ in ] and [ i ? ] on the ing form of verbs , which has been studied in a number of places .
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