Example sentences of "[verb] been [verb] as a great " in BNC.

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1 Alexander III has been seen as a great lawyer pope : he made pronouncements , gave judgments and held a council for the whole Church in which the law was defined .
2 His loss has been felt as a great national calamity … assembled as we are in the execution of a Plan of great public Utility … . ’
3 The inclusion of ‘ subsidiarity ’ in the Maastricht Treaty on European Union has been presented as a great victory for those who wanted to see the centralising , Federalist and irrevocable proposals of the Treaty given some sort of counterbalance for the rights of the nation state .
4 INROADS first Safe Driving Challenge which they believe is the first competition of its kind in Local Authority has been hailed as a great success .
5 Since the World War II , it has gradually changed from being selective , non-selective and then selective again , according to the Government and has been used as a great political tool .
6 This would have been counted as a great success and a reasonable rate of progress in the 1850s or 1860s but was so unprecedented and so humiliating , given the contemporary assumptions about government control , that the bill was dropped .
7 Coun. Alan Robinson ( Lab ) said towns all over Europe had introduced pedestrian-only shopping for at least part of the day and it had been hailed as a great success .
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