Example sentences of "[verb] been [verb] [art] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 Airbus has been given a three year guarantee on that contract .
2 MELVYN BRAGG has been having a busy year .
3 Since the event began in 1973 it has been held every fourth year and split into 5 legs of different size and difficulty .
4 Ehm is a it is n't actually a a erm a new school it 's Birchwood High School it used to be Margaret Dane which has been established a few years but Birchwood just been started for a year erm it has is some information but obviously there have n't been any feedback from the school so I starts there .
5 JON SMITH , head of First Artist Corporation , has been offered a five year contract by the FA to help organise the new England players ’ pool .
6 It 'd been taken a few years earlier at a family Christmas party when we were playing Musical Chairs .
7 Over ninety states have accepted the obligation not to acquire nuclear arms under the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty ; although this treaty has not prevented the detonation of a nuclear device by India and the covert acquisition of nuclear capacity also by Israel and South Africa , the total list of nuclear powers is relatively small , and perhaps less than may have been predicted a few years ago .
8 Few apart from servants and those running retailing shops would have expected to have been employed the whole year through .
9 I had been asked the previous year by the Intendant , von Benda , in an arrangement they had for young conductors , but there was no rehearsal , so I declined .
10 On the other hand , two large specimens of Pinus halepensis , the Aleppo pine , had escaped because , he imagined , they had been transplanted the previous year making no shoots that summer , thus faring better than other plants with tender new growth .
11 Black , because it had been burned a thousand years ago ; it still showed the shape of the face impressed upon it .
12 She was born when they had been married a few years .
13 The extent to which the courts could become involved in the politics of such disputes had been shown a few years earlier when Lord Cameron presided over an enquiry into a dispute on London building sites .
14 He was knighted in 1965 for his work on the Forth road bridge , which had been opened the previous year .
15 On the first occasion I had been down to visit an isolated village , on the south face of Kala Agar ridge , that had been abandoned the previous year owing to the depredations of the man-eater , and on the way back had taken a cattle track that went over the ridge and down the far side to the forest road , when , approaching a pile of rocks , I suddenly felt there was danger ahead .
16 The building of the Henry Ford factory on the Marina had been started a few years before ; and Denis , whose regular walks to Blackrock — solitary now that his father was no longer there to accompany him took him past the site , had watched its growth from the first brick .
17 Well I think they 're helping us erm possibly if this system had been started a few years ago , then possibly flats complex , would n't have got the bad reputation it has today .
18 But in general , discounting was this year considered of less significance than the proliferation of bargain bookshops , whose advent had been heralded the previous year but whose growth in numbers has evidently continued since .
19 Science had made enormous progress since Jonson 's day ; the Royal Society had been founded a few years before ; a virtuoso was not the same thing as an alchemist .
20 By 1898 the number of books had fallen to about 180 , 44 of which had been added the previous year .
21 The idea of light coming only in packets , called quanta , had been introduced a few years earlier by the German physicist Max Planck .
22 ‘ I feel , ’ he said , ‘ as if I 've been waiting a hundred years for you . ’
23 Yet he 's found that several other farmers have been experiencing the fecund year .
24 With the New Year legislation , many drivers have have been making a New Year resolution to steer clear of trouble .
25 no at the moment all my friends have , have been married a few years erm next time you come and er
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