Example sentences of "[verb] an [noun sg] for [art] first " in BNC.

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1 It is one thing to win the support of electors by defeating an enemy for the first time ; it is quite another to expect admiration for slaying the same dragon twice .
2 In some versions of this type of forecasting , the buyer is obliged to purchase the requirements detailed in the first three months of the rolling forecast , so that , in effect , as he rolls his forecast on , he places an order for the first three months ' requirements and forecasts those of the next nine months .
3 To train an infant for the first year is comparatively easy , but after that the child begins to resent authority , and the conscientious mother has to be prepared to fight and win all along the line , in matters small and great .
4 Added to these is the popular success of the City of Birmingham Touring Opera , which recently staged a production of The Magic Flute in Longbridge in which 48% of the audience was attending an opera for the first time .
5 After months of restoration the two hundred seat auditorium will have an audience for the first time in thirty years .
6 The upshot was that Phaeon Yachts would incorporate Kevin Seymour 's proposed detail changes in a new yacht , provided that he placed an order for the first one !
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