Example sentences of "[verb] n't [verb] [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 I 'M A WOMAN IN MY THIRTIES but age has n't blunted my passion for all things : books , cinema , wine , travel , conversation and good living .
2 ‘ Victoria has n't seen her father for months .
3 " Dr McNab still has n't granted my request for evidence that cholera is spread by drinking water .
4 Right , well we have two hundred and sixty five pounds and sixty eight pence in the bank at the moment , erm which actually is n't very much if you think that we 've got to go right through to July to our next fund raising event , so , I was wondering that , if anyone has n't paid their subscriptions for last year or if anyone owes for Christmas cards , I think there 's one or two
5 Cos Clive has n't paid his tax for three years , and the tax man caught up with him .
6 As breeder and exhibitor of budgerigars for the past 12 years he finds the joke wearing thin , but it has n't dampened his enthusiasm for his hobby .
7 She might be in for a long wait : Bella did n't break her routine for anyone .
8 His eyes did n't leave my face for a second .
9 ‘ I did n't want your search for your mother to lead to heartbreak , ’ he went on , moving close and slipping his arm around her .
10 That did n't make his love for Sien any less true .
11 Either she was a Madonna and people did n't give her credit for being one , or else she was trying to be one and people were trying to stop her or possibly she was being forced to be one against her better judgement .
12 The next time he awoke , they blistered the back of his hands with cigarette burns , but this time , mercifully , he had passed out within ten minutes and did n't regain his senses for nearly two hours .
13 Coronation Street began in 1960 but , as any fule kno , it did n't catch its stride for a good ten years .
14 We did n't discuss his plans for the day , only mine , and those I presume are hardly of interest to you . ’
15 Did n't take long , you did n't need your calculator for that .
16 People have a right to be cynical , but I did n't write my book for people who do n't believe in astrology .
17 Murder brought Raskolnikov to see that he did n't believe his reasons for committing it .
18 ‘ Marriage Guidance , ’ he said , ‘ did n't understand my need for brutally climaxing into tight white bottoms . ’
19 But his lack of affection for her did n't lessen her love for him , nor did she give up hope that she would one day be able to make him feel genuinely fond of her .
20 Do n't give them time for the
21 It went ‘ the English , the English , the English are best , I do n't give you tuppence for all of the rest ’ .
22 ‘ Those who tell you their careers come first and do n't leave them time for a family , are simply making an excuse .
23 ‘ Those who tell you their careers come first and do n't leave them time for a family , are simply making an excuse .
24 ‘ I do n't choose my friends for the size of their wallets , you know . ’
25 Do n't compare my feeling for her with his !
26 So do n't cut your hair for me ,
27 Do n't wash your hair for 48 hours after your perm .
28 The sisters say they do n't blame their landlady for evicting them .
29 Do n't blame your boss for your failure , blame yourself .
30 For instance , she never specifically said : ‘ Do n't blame your mother for everything ’ , but she made me understand that I was using my mother as an excuse for the fact that I was n't happy a lot of the time .
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