Example sentences of "[verb] from the more [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This becomes clearer if it is considered from the more general perspective of post-modernism which has been widely characterized as involving a return of history , albeit as a category of representation .
2 A new , precoded , form was completed for each new activity undertaken ; the research instrument therefore differed from the more conventional diary approach in which the work done in specific time periods is recorded ( Mintzberg , 1973 ; Stewart , 1988 ) .
3 Thus the following sections will outline the broad areas of Commission activity , ranging from the more passive information role , to its more controversial attempts at harmonisation through the Social Charter and European company laws .
4 Women who have had children will know that their vaginal muscles are slightly more relaxed after delivery , but they should remember that many men prefer space to move in and that sufferers of premature ejaculation will benefit from the more subtle stimulation of lax vaginal walls .
5 * Check over your drafts , and separate the overall process of writing from the more mechanical process of checking for correct spellings , grammar , etc. ( see p. 117 ) .
6 She 'd had to walk from the more expensive inn up the road which was the official halt for the northbound stagecoach .
7 But he or his successor will have to wait a little longer for the revenue benefits which should flow from the more buoyant climate for project investment he has tried to create .
8 They included Henri de Lubac , later to be raised to the rank of cardinal , though only after he had retreated from the more extreme position on the relationship between nature and grace he had adopted in 1946 in his book Surnaturel ; Marie-Dominique Chenu , one of whose books was placed on the Index in 1942 for daring to suggest that Thomas Aquinas ought to be studied against the history of his times ; and Yves Congar , who survived to become one of the leading theologians of Vatican II .
9 This conception of syntax as a kind of lexical auxiliary is explored in Chapter 5. 1 mention it here simply to illustrate the implications that might arise from the more considered interpretation of theoretical ideas .
10 This argument differs from the more modern notion , that dreaming is involved in the resolution of conflicts , but similarly ascribes an importance to dreams in preserving sanity .
11 This industrial wood accounts for 20 per cent of Nigeria 's wood consumption while the other 80 per cent is consumed as fuelwood which is mainly derived from the more northerly savanna zones .
12 Yang Shangkun 's younger half-brother , Yang Baibing , although promoted to the politburo , was removed from the more powerful post of secretary-general of the CMC .
13 Unfit scrappers with a weight difference of a couple of stone can slug it out for as long as the organizers see fit and the sport can accommodate fighters who might have been barred from the more formal ring or people who want to avoid the cartels that run the official game .
14 Mesoderm from the more posterior part of the streak moves into the extra-embryonic region and , as it does so , the junctional region between the epiblast and the extra-embryonic ectoderm is pushed into folds , the amniotic folds .
15 This bass is finished in polyester which , though undoubtedly resilient , is a tad too modern and shiny for my taste , and detracts from the more tactile effect of the woods used .
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