Example sentences of "[verb] from [adj] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman Ken Bates acted after a run of 12 matches without a win that has seen the club eliminated from both major cup competitions and slump from title-chasing territory to mid-table .
2 Young Warren Barton , the Wimbledon full-back , rose from non-League novice to England B status under Harford 's meticulous tutelage .
3 ‘ Among Catholics the response ranged from mild support to disinterest .
4 Transport is another area in which the discussion ranged from immediate action to changes only possible in the distant future .
5 His literary interests were remarkably wide and his expertise ranged from Anglo-Irish writing to Silver Age Latin epigrammatists ; but he published mainly on seventeenth-century comic or satirical dramatists , as his editions of Marston 's Malcontent and Vanbrugh 's Relapse testify .
6 The code of ethics ranged from strong drink to women of doubtful morals .
7 I moved from elementary school to grammar school when I was twelve .
8 Ken was brilliant in it , especially the parts where he moved from medieval English to Anglo-Saxon and then to just some noises .
9 It is usually women who have left work , or moved from full time to part time employment , to care for a sick or frail elderly relative .
10 A small but destructive minority has turned from religious zeal to crime , or to insurrection against its own governments .
11 Choi Ho Joong , who was moved from Foreign Minister to Unification Minister in charge of that dialogue , had been one of the architects of South Korea 's recent successes in establishing ties with many of the former communist allies of North Korea .
12 None the less , observers of animal behaviour know that altruistic acts with differing degrees of self-sacrifice are of common occurrence , ranging from parental care to group defence and rescue behaviour to complex forms of co-operation .
13 Sales of the product , whose yellow capsules contain natural minerals and vitamins to alleviate ailments ranging from pre-menstrual tension to lack of energy , have crashed by 30% to £1.9m .
14 This steer , in brief , sets out 10 key areas of ‘ health gain ’ , ranging from emotional health to cancers , and determines how these should be addressed by ‘ people-centred ’ planning and effective use of resources .
15 In policy areas ranging from mental illness to community nursing to staff development , the Welsh health service has been taking the plaudits .
16 There are many degrees of mental frailty or disturbance , ranging from mild confusion to Alzheimers disease .
17 To quote from their report ‘ AEA 's diverse businesses , with activities ranging from nuclear research to petroleum services , rest uneasily in the public sector where their entrepreneurial activities are inevitably somewhat constrained ’ .
18 It has drawn up a list of some 30 technical consultants , with interests ranging from marine science to energy , which the bank will call in for advice on esoteric projects that it is asked to fund .
19 The referendum had been organized to offer a choice between six different options , plus the existing status quo , ranging from full independence to incorporation as a state of the USA .
20 Suitable applications range from new build to restoration projects .
21 Over the next four months , the weather veered from intense heat to snowstorms .
22 And erm we used to work from seven o'clock in the morning until seven at night , we had to walk from New Invention to Hall because there were n't any buses and erm there were some girls , some girls worked at Legs have you heard of
23 Transfer from Langkawi airport to hotel and hotel to yacht .
24 The conventional method of knitting is to knit every needle on the ribber and the pattern stitches ( selected by punchcard , with the main carriage set to slip ) on the main bed and transfer from main bed to ribber using the shadow lace transfer tool .
25 In 1922 he reverted from temporary major to lieutenant ; he was promoted captain in 1924 and major seven years later .
26 The BBC As Cultural Patron : BBC orchestras should move from full ownership to independence through a declining subsidy over five years .
27 While the ebullient Tim chunders on about anything — switching from astute frontman to village idiot at the twist of a phrase — bassist Martin balefully stares at the floor looking ever more intense and occasionally thundering through a paragraph of bile .
28 While the ebullient Tim chunders on about anything — switching from astute frontman to village idiot at the twist of a phrase — bassist Martin balefully stares at the floor looking ever more intense and occasionally thundering through a paragraph of bile .
29 One of the Government 's aims in moving from supplementary benefit to income support was to simplify the system .
30 If the first finger points from magnetic north to south and the second finger points in the direction of the electron flow , from negative to positive , then the thumb is the direction of the electromotive force .
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