Example sentences of "[verb] from [art] same [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The velum develops from the same embryonic segment as the mandibular arch , and part of its skeleton is located more medially than that of subsequent arches .
2 Other coins made from the same different die can often be found , thus establishing a chain of die links between objects which might otherwise display no close similarities .
3 Although only one of these bottles is labelled ‘ suitable for recycling ’ , both are , in fact , made from the same recyclable plastic .
4 So many of them were interrelated or came from the same Sardinian village that all of them , with or without a record , could usually tell him something if they would .
5 In a dream a tall thin priest informed him that the two pieces came from the same votive cylinder and had been cut in two to make earrings for a statue of the god Ninib .
6 Gregory came from the same aristocratic milieu as Sidonius and his followers .
7 In addition , senior executives are largely drawn from the same narrow background as company directors .
8 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
9 His music stems from the same shaping hand as that which invented the Voice of God in Britten 's second canticle Abraham and Isaac , composed just before Gloriana .
10 Interestingly , this is the period in which parietal cells disappear from the same anatomical site in most subjects .
11 All these institutions are controlled From above , all an subject to directives emanating from the same political institution or institutions , all have their key officials in the nomenklatura of higher Party officials ( that is , their officials are appointed and removed only when a Party organ takes the action or agrees to it ) , all have developed many of the characteristics associated with bureaucratization .
12 There was to be no self-dramatisation and nothing that would set Amnesty International apart from the very people that it was seeking to protect from the same potential threat .
13 The problem is that a good gimmick is contagious — everyone in Hollywood gets it all at once , and then you get a rash of movies all suffering from the same big idea .
14 There is an error in chart 4 of your survey ; starting from the same initial point , the curve representing the traditional view of the value of a firm should rise initially and then fall , as the level of debt increases .
15 This raises the possibility that the genes present today in the chromosome of E. coli have not all been derived from the same ancestral population in the distant past — as have the genes of mice — but have come from very distantly related ancestors .
16 Therefore within the lexicon run , runs , running , ran each have the same ROOT-INDEX stored ( 19590 ) to indicate that they are all derived from the same morphological root .
17 KW is derived from the same basic sunspot data set as FCL but the raw maximum-to-maximum and minimum-to-minimum length series were combined into a single series before applying a 7-term binomial filter .
18 Actually , not all of these arrangements are derived from the same basic format ( Neal 1981 , 91 ) : Box and Rapsley , for example , possess octagonal and not hexagonal panels around the central square .
19 ‘ Go on — it will cheer you up ’ but I dismissed him like the rest , saying I was not thirsty , despising the thought of drinking from the same grimy bottle which a rogue had .
20 This suggests that either there is some ‘ best ’ code on which all organisms have converged , or that all existing organisms are descended from the same simple ancestor , and that the code has not changed since .
21 So in the urban context we encounter two rental incomes generated from the same physical entity : the ground rent and the house or occupancy rent …
22 This Pool who is not Poole can not be worse than the last idiot I saw from the same backward profession : he was extremely fortunate that I did not send the details of his impertinences to the Medical Association or whatever it is called .
23 Flies such as these breed in decaying plant and animal refuse , and your ones probably all emerged from the same rotten potato .
24 Alison , a PE student at Brighton University , emerged from the same mini-rugby structure at Bridgehaugh as Kenny Logan — who was capped at full-back for Scotland in the second Test against Australia last summer — and last season 's Scotland Under-21 No 8 , Gareth Flockhart , who has recently been honing his skills , both sporting and agricultural , in New Zealand .
25 At the beginning of the line , the aircraft all start from the same common stock , but as they progress the goodies are added or not added according to the order .
26 Structures with similar appearances , in comparable locations , that differentiate from the same embryonic tissue at the same stage in development , can be identified relatively easily and , in general , their connections tend to be similar .
27 Cohen 's photos are taken from the same dumb angle .
28 Mucosal oxyntic biopsy specimens were taken from the same defined area and tissues were processed in the same way as in the present study .
29 Probably a long way from his home town , he would suffer from the same economic deprivation and social stigmatization experienced by the police strikers in 1919 , without the latter 's support and solidarity .
30 If institutions are funded from the same general purse , on the whole they mesh together and work easily together .
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