Example sentences of "[verb] from [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dozens of people were seen leaping from windows in the apartment blocks .
2 Twenty people were reported killed after leaping from windows in the buildings .
3 DOZENS of new leads have come from members of the public after a reconstruction of the last moments of stabbed businesswoman Jean Bradley , police said yesterday .
4 Evidence supporting the theory has come from experiments on the interaction of sleep loss with other manipulations known to increase arousal level , such as incentives and noise .
5 A request for a diary had come from friends of the broker whose daughter was due home from Arra in Zaire because of political troubles .
6 It has a charming , white stuccoed wiggly gable , two windows wide , that might have come from Amsterdam with the King 's guns .
7 The last proposal for change had come from France on the grounds of weather being better later in the season but it was decided then to leave fixtures in their present slots from January-March .
8 Flakes of a fatty substance are excreted from glands between the joints on the underside of the worker bee 's abdomen .
9 A short tag of tape on the top line of your long-net tells you top from bottom in the dark .
10 Jones learned French and Italian from a master , and could translate from Italian by the age of sixteen .
11 The Rural Electrification Administration brought electric power to farmers on a large scale : the number of farms with electricity rose from 10% before the scheme to 40$ by 1941 .
12 The King can not be exonerated from responsibility for the massacre ; he signed the instructions and failed to punish those who were involved .
13 He was the sixth child of working-class parents , Daniel Maclean , crofter and later potter , and his wife Annie McPhee , the grandson on one side of crofters evicted from Mull in the Highland clearances , on the other of migrants to industrial Strathclyde .
14 That same eighth chapter of Acts records the spread of the gospel by informal missionaries , men and women evicted from Jerusalem by the persecution which followed Stephen 's death .
15 Brushwood is being harvested from woodlands in the Ipswich area by Bill Foreman and other coppice workers to help stabilise the river bed of the Great Ouse in Cambridgeshire .
16 Indeed , a painter-critic named Lecomte had resigned from membership of the Salon because he felt the Cubists were too numerous and their work too well hung .
17 But the machines have been overwhelmed since the 1960s , not least by the impact of mass media and by demographic upheaval : New York 's non-Hispanic white population dropped from 77% of the total to 43% between 1960 and 1990 .
18 ‘ Clearly , their major difficulty is finance — the rouble has dropped from parity with the dollar three years ago to 1200 to the $ now .
19 The system is therefore liable to suffer from inaccuracies of the type discussed above .
20 I T N's arts correspondent , Fiona Murch reported from Berlin on the search for suitable ways to link the two very different halves of the city .
21 Green Shopping Day ( this year called Green Consumer Day , and roping in interests as diverse as supermarkets , townswomen 's guilds and environmental groups ) was a thing entirely of SustainAbility 's own devising ; Hailes and Elkington had Lynne Franks PR working on the publicity , and some of their participating organisations — which ranged from Safeway to the World Wildlife Fund — paying for it .
22 Powell 's scholarship ranged from work on the letters M–N , Q–R , Si–St , and U–V , for the Oxford English Dictionary , an edition of the translation by Nicholas Love of Bonaventura 's Meditationes Vitae Christi of c .1410 , studies of the Adventurer of John Hawkesworth [ q.v. ] , the bibliography of Samuel Johnson , Thomas Percy , Thomas Pennant , and Robert Southwell [ qq.v. ] , contributions to the Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature , vol. ii ( 1940 ) and the Yale edition of Johnson ( 1963 ) , to a collaboration with John Munro on ‘ The London Shakespeare ’ ( 1958 ) .
23 BRIG JACK WINCHESTER , who has died aged 80 , had an active military career , which ranged from battles on the North West Frontier and campaigns in the Middle East to Arnhem in 1944 , when he won a Military Cross .
24 Other polls ranged from ICM in the Guardian , which put Tories and Labour neck and neck on 38 per cent , to NOP for Newsnight and the Sunday Times , giving Labour a three-point lead .
25 MGM , Fox , Warner and RKO made a substantial number of films out of London , many of them spectaculars rather than authentically British productions , and a number of producers like Albert ( ‘ Cubby ’ ) Broccoli and Sam Spiegel moved from America to the UK .
26 About the year 1800 , or just afterwards , my great-great-grandfather , John Hey , moved from Shelley in the parish of Kirkburton , where his ancestors had been settled for centuries , to the village of Thurlstone .
27 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was only the most affluent who were able to benefit from refrigeration during the summer .
28 By mid-1991 the ALP remained deeply unpopular at federal level and in all the states except Queensland , where the party continued to benefit from reaction to the corruption of the former National Party government [ see above ] .
29 A related concern stemmed from predictions about the direction of health care funding .
30 A decade later England became the home for many of the Huguenot refugees who fled from France in the wake of Louis 's revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 .
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