Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun sg] [prep] the new " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman for Gorbachev described his reaction to the new movement as " positive " .
2 Thus the examiner must look at the bottom of the page as well as the top in order to find his way to the new question .
3 Guinness tried his hand at the new Porter with rather more success than his fellow Dublin brewers .
4 He thinks that he wants a reconciliation , and up to a point he does ; but what he hopes most of all is that Alfred will give his blessing to the new play he has written — a drama of sibling rivalry called Brother Mine .
5 In fact , Lok has made comparisons before this , when , as on this occasion , he was struggling to express his understanding of the new people : " " " He changes shape like a bear in a cave " " " and " " " He is like a cat and he is not like a cat .
6 By deliberately turning his back on the new spirit in art , Modigliani found himself excluded from most of the excitement and gaiety in the arts that flourished in spite of the war .
7 In certain rites and ceremonies the Phoenix Guard attend the Phoenix King , most notably when he is chosen and enters the flame eternal in the shrine to mark his rebirth as the new king .
8 He is said to have affirmed his support for the new fourth clause of the coronation oath at this time .
9 He soon made his peace with the new regime , meeting the queen and the young king when they went on pilgrimage to Canterbury in Lent 1327 .
10 UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali justified his endorsement of the new memorandum in a letter to the UN Security Council on Oct. 21 , saying that while " the agreement does not fully meet our aspirations " , the urgent need for humanitarian assistance made it necessary " to implement it without any further delay " .
11 The speech outlining government policy at the opening of the parliamentary session was delivered by King Hussein himself — a move which was interpreted as underlining his support for the new government of Ibn Shaker .
12 It was published in America in 1974 , translated by Peter Kussi , who has revised his translation for the new edition of 1986 which I am discussing here .
13 Falkenhayn wavered , finally gave his permission for the new attack , and even allocated a fresh division for it .
14 Jacques Delors , the Commission President , gave his name to the new Report which was produced in April 1989 .
15 But rather than simply treading water , the big man has put his stock in the new material — which is more relevant than nostalgic .
16 This month , RICHARD SMITH tries his hand at the new Acrylix brushes from Pro Arte .
17 Mr Clare was telling his son about the new d'Urberville family who had taken the ancient name and lived near Trantridge .
18 De Gaulle had not waited for the end of the war to formulate his proposal for the new German settlement .
19 Having ‘ jammed ’ with fellow fictional celebs SPINAL TAP ( above ) in the US last week , Bart blew into Blighty to take his place in the new , improved HOUSE OF LOVE line-up ! ( below )
20 Following his adoption of the new methods , there were no deaths and only a few minor complications in thirty-five patients treated without selection at the Liverpool Infirmary .
21 Of no mean magnetism himself — Lawrence thought highly enough of him to make him the recipient of some of his most excruciating introspections — Curtis was the inspirational force of that curious organization , the Round Table , in whose journal of the same name Lawrence published his article on the new imperialism in the Middle East .
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