Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] it [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 To know he had considered her ‘ special ’ was satisfying , but she did not regard it as a signal to fall headlong into his arms .
2 Yet I recently visited a hi-tech company which was fully conversant with activity-based costing yet did not do it on a regular annual basis .
3 When he said to Cassin " Nous sommes la France " , he did not mean it in a rhetorical sense .
4 In Ball , above , the court mentioned the " aimed at " doctrine but did not treat it as a separate element .
5 The Queen Alien was built in two versions , a full-size mechanical one also using two stuntmen inside , and a quarter-sized puppet , operated mechanically , since Cameron , who had accepted stop-motion for the Terminator 's final stage , did not like it for an organic creature .
6 They knew the realist option but did not take it as a way out of a social impasse , because , I would argue , the phenomenalist tendency of thought is too strong .
7 When Ramakrishna saw Kasi the Holy City , he did not see it as a physical city but as the dreams and hopes of holy pilgrims that had fallen on the city , stratum on stratum so that it became a city of holy ideas , a spiritual city .
8 In the US during the 1970s , the cultural climate in economic thinking was soft on inflation , and the Fed did not tackle it as a result , even though it had the power to do so .
9 ( iii ) It is important that pupils working towards level 7 and beyond have increasing opportunities to use spoken Standard English , and in particular that those who do not speak it as a native dialect should be helped to extend their language competence so that they can use Standard English with confidence .
10 That is not the proposition , but the fact that one does not ban it does not mean that , with the knowledge that we now possess , we do not regard it as a debilitating and dangerous influence on society , and especially young people .
11 For example , it could be argued that ‘ photograph ’ may be divided into two independent words , ‘ photo ’ and ‘ graph ’ ; yet we usually do not regard it as a compound , but as an affix word .
12 But no one has yet been able to identify ‘ extra ’ income , and enterprises do not show it as a separate category .
13 You add the wine , and mix it with the eggs and cheese , pour the mixture into a flameproof casserole and put it to cook immediately , but you do not leave it for an instant : you stir ceaselessly until you have a homogenous cream , and you serve it sizzling in the recipient in which it has cooked . "
14 We do not promote it as a deprived area where there are financial incentives ’
15 ‘ It is a healthy environment — we do not promote it as a deprived area where there are lots of financial incentives . ’
16 Furthermore the term register is sometimes used to refer to any device which holds a group of one or more bits of information , and which is capable of being accessed at electronic speeds : in this book we use it only for storage devices provided for some special purpose ( such as the SAR ) , and do not apply it to a general store location .
17 Though Abraham receives the promise of the land of Canaan in Genesis 12 and , by God 's terms , takes possession of it in the next chapter , his descendants do not enter it as a people until the book of Joshua , and the business of conquest is not finished till David is secure on the throne half-way through the second Book of Samuel .
18 However desirable it is that they receive training , many do not see it as a practical proposition .
19 It is a powerful alkaloidal poison , but the Zande do not see it as an ordinary poison but as an autonomous mystical power capable of issuing decisions which are taken very seriously indeed .
20 This plant dislikes draughts so keep it well-protected or sheltered and do not position it near a window which is likely to be opened .
21 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
22 Please do not take it as an example that you may all leap to your feed to make your bids .
23 Although the building is of more or less one period , it is still nonetheless a higgledy-piggledy place to find one 's way about in , as though the builders had not planned it as a whole but acted on whims and perhaps the need to accommodate an expanding family .
24 They laughed , although she had not meant it as a joke .
25 Poles had experienced the crisis as a series of personal events ; they had not experienced it as a nation through institutions and organisations they saw as undeniably their own .
26 There is also a particular difficulty with care for the unemployed ; not only is the research team unable to use return to work as an end point , but the patient also does not have it as an objective and he has therefore nothing to aim at .
27 However , if the prosecution does not raise it as a motive for murder the defence is unlikely to challenge this .
28 A reporter , a correspondent , who sends in such a story does not get it from an official news-agency but from gossip — no doubt checked , reliable and trustworthy , simply marked by its lack of official confirmation .
29 But they have not replaced it with a presumption that the market can always be left to get on with it .
30 The Government have put large sums of money into the public services for many years , but have not proclaimed it as a great virtue .
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